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词汇 Dutch
例句 The glider was in Dutch airspace.滑翔机在荷兰的领空。He was sent to New York as part of the Dutch delegation to the United Nations.他作为出席联合国会议的荷兰代表团成员被派往纽约。You'll be amazed at the culinary creations possible in a Dutch oven.荷兰炖锅能做出的美食之多会让你大吃一惊。There are native collaborationists and bands of Dutch outlaws.那里有许多充当叛徒的当地人和一群群来自荷兰的不法之徒。They had a drink to give them Dutch courage.他们喝了一杯酒来壮胆。The Dutch wanted to monopolize the spice trade.荷兰人想垄断香料贸易。I'll go Dutch with you on the movie if you want.如果你愿意的话,看电影我们各买各的票。It is stronger in flavour than other Dutch cheeses.其味道比其他荷兰奶酪重。They were spurred on by a drop of Dutch courage.几滴酒就让他们振奋起来。He is one of a small galaxy of Dutch stars on German television.他是出现在德国电视节目上一小批荷兰籍明星中的一个。The girls were playing double Dutch on the sidewalk.女孩们在人行道上玩跳双绳。In Maastricht, Dutch Guilders, Deutschmarks and Belgian Francs are all considered legal tender.在马斯垂克,荷兰盾、德国马克和比利时法郎都被认为是法定货币。She's Dutch.她是荷兰人。The Dutch scouts had set up their camp.荷兰童子军已经搭好了营房。The Dutch Air Force has grounded all its aircraft.荷兰空军停飞了所有的飞机。Dutch students graduate at various times of the year.荷兰学生在一年中的不同时间毕业。Her family is Dutch.她出生在一个荷兰家庭里。Steve's married to a lovely Dutch girl.史蒂夫娶了一个可爱的荷兰姑娘。The Dutch fleet captured two English ships.荷兰舰队虏获了两艘英国船舰。The first white settlers in South Africa were Dutch.南非的第一批白人移民是荷兰人。She is Dutch and finds our language exasperating.作为荷兰人,她觉得我们的语言真让人着急上火。If we're going to be friends, it has to be Dutch.如果我们要成为朋友的话,就得各付各的。White conned his way into a job as a warehouseman with Dutch airline, KLM.怀特一路连蒙带骗,在荷兰皇家航空公司谋到了一份仓库管理员的差事。She can speak four different languages - French, German, English, and Dutch.她会说四种不同的语言—法语、德语、英语和荷兰语。Dutch colonial authorities imprisoned him for his part in the independence movement.荷兰殖民当局因他参加独立运动而把他关押了起来。The Dutch, Portuguese and French had their own mercantile interests in the subcontinent.荷兰人、葡萄牙人和法国人在次大陆都有他们各自的商业利益。I warned him not to get the boss's Dutch up.我警告他不要惹老板发火。What he said was just Dutch to me.他的话我简直听不懂。The boat ploughed up the Rhine towards the Dutch border.船沿着莱茵河向荷兰边境逆流而上。He loves learning about the Dutch.他喜欢去了解荷兰人。It was all double Dutch to me.这些话让我觉得莫名其妙。I can get by in Dutch.我勉强能用荷兰语应付。She placed an anonymous call to the Dutch Embassy in Dublin.她给在都柏林的荷兰大使馆打了一个匿名电话。My first language is Dutch.我的母语是荷兰语。New York was originally a Dutch trading post.纽约最初是荷兰人的贸易站。The Dutch found themselves in a no-win position.荷兰人发现他们无望获胜。Don't think that learning Dutch will be a breeze.不要以为学荷兰语是件轻松的事。He speaks Dutch fluently.他操一口流利的荷兰语。It beats the Dutch how Tom always makes a basket.汤姆投篮百发百中,真了不起。As we walked up the narrow staircases, we began to understand why the Dutch haul their furniture up the outside of the buildings and through the windows.走在狭窄的楼梯上,我们开始明白为什么荷兰人要把家具通过窗户从屋外吊进来。




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