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词汇 during the day
例句 She led a double life: she was a teacher during the day and at night a singer.她过着双重生活:白天当教师,晚上当歌手。This neighborhood is quiet during the day, but it comes alive at night.这个街区白天很安静,但到夜晚就会喧闹起来。We are usually not home during the day.我们白天通常不在家。I'll certainly go back to my job once I've worked out who's going to look after the kids during the day.我一安排好白天照顾小孩子的人,肯定会回去工作。You can call me during the day. 你可以白天给我打电话。The snack bar is open during the day.小吃店白天营业。Big meals during the day cause drowsiness.白天吃太多会让人昏昏欲睡。There are two tea-breaks during the day.每个工作日中有两次喝茶休息时间。He returned home during the day at regular intervals.他一天中每隔一定时间就回一次家。He works a full-time job during the day, plus he goes to school at night.他白天全职上班。此外,晚上他还去上夜校。The city centre is quite lively during the day, but it's totally dead at night.市中心白天相当热闹,晚上却死气沉沉。She only leaves her house during the day.她只在白天出门。He is seldom at home during the day.他白天很少在家。It would have been better to hold the debate during the day.最好把辩论安排在白天进行。Foxes remain hidden during the day.白天狐狸一直躲藏着。People's body weight can fluctuate during the day.人的体重在一天之内可能会有所波动。She and her husband both work at night and sleep during the day.她和丈夫都是夜晚工作,白天睡觉。I have some chance for interaction with them at some time during the day.白天我总有跟他们交往的机会。The office is only open during the day.办事处仅在白天开门。West Lake, an outdoor ice-skating rink, attracts skaters during the day and night.无论白天还是晚上,西湖这个户外溜冰场都吸引着许多溜冰的人。He sleeps during the day and works at night.他白天睡觉,晚上工作。I snack on bread during the day.我白天把面包当点心吃。I'm not in the habit of going to bars during the day.我没有白天去酒吧的习惯。The idea of the centre was to provide a place where old people could go during the day.本中心的目的是为老人提供一个场所,让他们白天有地方可去。The black bear lies up during the day in caves and amongst rocks.白天,黑熊躲藏在洞穴中和岩石间。He read me the stuff he had written during the day.他把自己白天写的那些东西念给我听。Secrets kept close during the day can leak out if you talk in your sleep.白天紧守的秘密可能会在晚上说梦话的时候泄露出来。These animals sleep during the day and hunt at night.这些动物昼伏夜出。I had other matters to occupy me, during the day at least.至少白天我还有别的事情要做。He had got into the habit of phoning home during the day.他养成了白天给家里打电话的习惯。The market zigzagged during the day but finished higher in the afternoon.交易市场在白天一直都起起落落,但下午还是以高位收盘。Nomes slept badly, and had to take catnaps during the day.诺姆斯睡眠很差,所以只好在白天打会儿瞌睡。I'll try and work this job in during the day.我会设法在白天安排时间做这件工作的。Patients with depression may be lethargic during the day and unable to sleep at night.抑郁症病人可能会白天无精打采,夜晚睡不着觉。The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, unless accompanied by an adult.学校的纪律规定,除非有大人陪同,小孩白天不得离开学校。This second door is an extra security measure and can be locked in position during the day.这第二道门是又一项安全措施,白天可以上锁。I don't mind the noise during the day.我并不介意白天的噪音。If something dramatic has happened during the day, we'll sit and natter about it.如果白天发生了什么出人意料的事情,我们就会坐下来聊聊。These animals are mostly active during the day.这些动物通常白天活跃。He works the night shift and sleeps during the day.他上夜班,白天睡觉。




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