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词汇 外出工作
例句 Some mothers of young children choose not to go out to work.有些孩子尚小的母亲选择不外出工作It was a case of role reversal: the father stayed home with the children while the mother worked.那是个职责转换的情况:父亲待在家照看孩子而母亲外出工作How many husbands would stay at home and take care of the children while their wife goes out to work?有多少丈夫愿意由妻子外出工作,自己待在家里带孩子呢?His views on marriage are quite traditional. He says that the wife should stay home with the children while the husband works.他的婚姻观相当传统。认为丈夫外出工作时,妻子应该待在家里照顾孩子。He doesn't hold with married women going out to work.他不赞成已婚妇女外出工作In those days a working mother was regarded as a bit of an oddity.在当时,一个外出工作的母亲被认为有点怪异。




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