例句 |
We grow vegetables at the bottom of our garden.我们在花园的外侧种疏菜。Use the outside lane for overtaking only.外侧车道仅限超车使用。We couldn't paint the outside because of the weather.因为天气的原因我们不能油漆外侧。I just thought I would have a pop at the posts with the outside of my boot.我只是想我可以试着用靴子外侧踢门柱。The railing curves out near the observation platform.栏杆在观测台附近向外侧弯曲。Turn under and hem the outer edges.翻下来缝外侧的边。I watched the moth crawl up the outside of the lampshade.我注视着蛾子沿着灯罩的外侧往上爬。 |