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例句 The batter whiffed twice during the game.那场比赛中,这名击球手两次三击不中出局。They do not anticipate any major problems during construction.他们预测在修建过程中不会有什么大问题。His father, also an army officer, had died during the war.他父亲也是一名军官,在那场战争中阵亡。The children play on the beach during the summer.夏天孩子们在海滩上玩耍。Thousands of herring and crab are washed up on the beaches during every storm.每次暴风雨过后海滩上都会留下数不尽的鲱鱼和螃蟹。The priceless manuscripts were looted during civil war in the early nineties.珍贵的手稿在九十年代早期的内战中被人浑水摸鱼偷走了。I purposely avoid making train journeys during the rush hour.我有意避开在高峰时间乘火车。Something was interfering with the sound during the broadcast.节目播出期间声音受到了干扰。Some plants will survive outside during a mild winter.暖冬季节,有些植物可以在室外存活。The windshield of my car frosted over during the night.我汽车上的挡风玻璃在夜里结上了霜花。Though extremely nervous, she was able to remain outwardly calm during the interview.她在面试时虽然非常紧张,但表面上仍能保持镇静。My children swam and boated in the Tarrant during the summer months.夏天的几个月,我的孩子们在塔伦特游泳、划船。Orwell contracted tuberculosis during the war and eventually died from the disease.奥韦尔在战时染上肺结核,后来死于该病。They endured five years of privation during the war.战争期间,他们忍受了五年缺衣少食的生活。He took voluminous notes during the lecture.他在听课时作了大量笔记。He displayed remarkable sangfroid when everyone else was panicking during the crisis.当其他人在危急时刻陷入恐慌时,他却表现得异常沉着。Postural changes and weight gain cause some women to experience musculoskeletal pain during pregnancy.姿态变化和体重增加可能在一些妇女身上造成肌肉骨骼疼痛。The fire alarm went off during the ceremony.举行庆典时火警报警器响了。We visited her during her convalescence from surgery.我们在她术后康复期间去看望了她。I was born during one of the periodical wanderings of my family.我出生在一个我家周期性的流浪时期。If you do waken up during the night, start the exercises again.如果你夜里真的醒了,就再从头开始做这套动作。Organizers will set up a free Tour de France Fan Park in Canary Wharf during the race.比赛期间,环法自行车赛的主办方将会在金丝雀码头建立一个免费车迷乐园。He has gone through many a severe test during his lifetime.他一生中经受过多次严峻的考验。Although you'd think business would have boomed during the war, there was only a small spike in interest.人们会认为战争期间生意会很红火,但实际上利息只有小幅上升。Check that your insurance policy covers breakages and damage during removals.查看一下你的保险单,看其是否对搬运过程中的破损和毁坏赔偿。Prices soared during the war.战争期间物价飞涨。He wrenched his right shoulder during a game of hockey.他在一场曲棍球比赛中扭伤了自己的右肩。The child had been spirited away during the night.那孩子在夜里被偷偷地带走了。Personal phone calls are not allowed during business/office hours.上班时间不允许接打私人电话。Mothers should cut out smoking during pregnancy.孕期母亲应戒烟。He was gesticulating wildly during his speech.他讲话时胡乱地做手势。The items were carefully wrapped to protect them from damage during shipping.为避免在运输中被损坏,所有物品都经过了仔细包装。Terry's work has improved a lot during the last three months.特里的工作在过去的三个月里进步了不少。The billows of the Atlantic dash high on the rocks during a storm.暴风雨时,大西洋的巨浪冲撞岩石掀得很高很高。I went off chocolate during my pregnancy.我怀孕时不爱吃巧克力。The temperature is expected to go down below freezing during the night.今晚,气温预计会降至零度以下。I turned the heat back on again during that spell of cold weather.寒潮来袭期间,我把暖气重新打开了。The controversy could even embroil the Queen during her three-day trip to Australia.这场论战甚至可能会牵扯到在澳大利亚进行三天访问的女王。The staff have been run off their feet during the January sales.一月份促销期间员工们忙得脚打后脑勺。The decision was made during the pontificate of Pope John XX.这个决定是在教皇约翰二十世任期内作出的。




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