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词汇 drop
例句 Sales are likely to drop further.销售量可能进一步下降The dog responds at the drop of a hat.那条狗一见到信号就作出反应。We have to drop our pretences and look squarely at schooling as it really is.我们必须抛开一切伪装,正视学校教育的真实情况。I was passing, so I thought I'd drop in.我正好路过,所以我想顺便进来看看。The quarterback made a quick three-step drop.四分卫迅速地从争球线后退了三步。Government statistics showed a small drop in the annual rate of inflation.政府的统计数字显示今年的通货膨胀率略有下降。The UN is trying to drop supplies into the area.联合国正试图把物资空投到该地区。Before we activate our paratroopers, we must be familiar with the topography of the drop zone.在我们动用空降部队之前,一定要熟悉降落地点的地形地貌。We are not unduly concerned about the small drop in profits.我们没有过于担心利润的小幅度下降。If you're ever down our way again, do drop in.你若是再来我们这一带,一定过来玩玩。There's a drop of Irish blood in her veins.她有一点儿爱尔兰血统。The food drop was a success.食品空投很成功。Of course we'll look after your kids, providing you can drop them off at our house, that is.我们当然可以给你照看孩子,不过你得用车把他们送到我们家来。You should drop this sentence from your essay.你应该把这句话从你的文章中删掉。I can't just drop everything to help you. The world doesn't revolve around you, you know.我不能放下所有的事去帮你,你知道,这世界不是围着你转的。My letter of protest was just a drop in the ocean.我的抗议书不过是杯水车薪。She hung on frantically, terrified by the steep drop below.她慌乱地抓住不放,脚下的万丈深渊把她吓坏了。There was a drop of five stories from our window to the street below.从我们的窗子到下面的街道有五层楼的垂直间距。I didn't have a drop of your orange juice.你的橙汁我一点也没喝。We were in the neighborhood and thought we would drop in on you.当时我们在附近,就想顺便看看你们。The drop in the unemployment figures is cold comfort to those still looking for work.失业统计数字的下降,对那些仍在找工作的人来说依然起不了安慰的作用。I'm going to drop my calculus class and take a biology course instead.我打算不上微积分课,而去上生物课。A helicopter food drop is being arranged by the Red Cross.直升机空投食品正在由红十字会筹办。The effect is soft and pretty rather than drop-dead sexy.给人的印象是柔和俏丽而不是吸人眼球的性感。Her voice will drop to a dismissive whisper.她会把声音压低,轻蔑地低语。Be careful you don't drop a stitch.小心,别漏针了。If you're ever up there, drop in and we can kill a bottle.如果你去那里,就来找我,咱们好好喝一杯。His reputation took a sudden drop.他的名声骤然下降。Let's drop the subject since we don't seem to be able to agree.既然看来难以达成一致,咱们还是停止谈论这个话题吧。The patient experienced a sharp drop in blood pressure.病人的血压急剧下降。CBS will end the series if it continues to drop in the ratings.这部电视连续剧如果收视率排名继续下降,哥伦比亚广播公司就会停播该剧。Just drop it. I don't want to talk about it any more.别说这个了。我不想再提了。Be careful not to drop that bottle.小心别把那瓶子摔了。Just one drop of ink tinged the water blue.一点墨水便把水染成了蓝色。I haven't touched a drop of alcohol since last year.去年以来我滴酒未沾。We often see a drop-off in business in the winter.我们经常会在冬季遇到营业额下降的情况。Most companies have suffered a drop in their profits, even very large companies.大多数公司都遭遇到利润下降,甚至连很大的公司也不例外。She was so tired she felt she would drop.她太疲倦了,觉得自己要倒下了。I watched him drain every last drop out of the bottle.我看着他把瓶里的酒喝得一滴不剩。Daddy called and asked me to drop by his office.爸爸打来电话让我去他办公室一趟。




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