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词汇 dragging
例句 The police are dragging the lake for the missing girl's body.警方在用拖网搜索湖底寻找失踪女孩的尸体。Pick the chair up instead of dragging it behind you!把椅子拿起来,不要在地上拖!Athletics is like a drug, it keeps dragging you back for more.体育运动会让人上瘾,会不断地拽你回去练了又要练。They found the man's body after dragging the canal.他们用拖网从运河里捞出了那个人的尸体。The child is always dragging his blanket.那孩子总是把毯子拖着走。By afternoon, the day was dragging.到了下午,这一天就显得漫长而无聊。They disapproved of my dragging in his wealth.他们不赞成我把他的财富扯进话题。The White House has accused Congress of dragging its feet.白宫指责国会做事拖拉。He had a nerve dragging her out just for this.他拖她出去就是为这事儿,真不像话。High energy costs are dragging down profits.高能耗降低了利润。The nation's economy is dragging behind the rest of the world.那个国家的经济正逐渐落后于世界其他国家。I heard a chain dragging along the ground.我听见链条在地上拖动的声音。Sgt. Salvatore Giunta had shot and killed him as he was dragging off Brennan.当他在拖走布伦南的时候,塞尔瓦托.吉安达中士击毙了他。I'm sorry for dragging you into this.很抱歉把你卷到这里面。I didn't want the police dragging the river.我不想让警方用拖网在河底搜索。He heard the sound of heavy, dragging footsteps in the corridor.他听到从走廊上传来拖沓沉重的脚步声。The dog's leash was dragging along the ground.狗链在地上拖着。The singer has an effective way of dragging behind the beat.那歌手有一种很动人的滞后吐字唱法。They can't seem to avoid dragging religion into politics. 他们在谈论政治时似乎总要扯上宗教。He walked slowly, his legs dragging with each step.他慢慢地走着,每迈一步都费好大的劲。Quit dragging—walk faster.别拖拉一走快点。If you don't want to keep dating him, you should just make a clean break instead of dragging it out.如果不想继续和他交往,你应当快刀斩乱麻,不要拖拖拉拉。His illness is dragging him down.疾病把他拖垮了。Lower interest rates are acting like a magnet, dragging consumers back to the shops.较低利率像磁铁一样吸引顾客又回到了商店。Your coat's dragging in the mud.你的大衣拖着泥了。The puppy ran up to us, dragging her leash behind her.小狗拖着链子向我们跑来。Their bargaining position with America was weakened by their foot-dragging over the Gulf.他们在同美国交涉时的地位因他们在海湾问题上的迟疑不决而降低。Police are dragging the river near where he was last seen.警方正在他最后一次出现之处附近的一条河里拖网搜寻。I will not have the likes of you dragging down my reputation.我不会让你们这些人败坏我的名声。The government, he claimed, was dragging its feet.他声称政府在故意拖延。The court case has been dragging on for months, and it's increasingly unlikely that she'll win.这场官司拖拉了好几个月,她越来越不可能赢了。They were dragging the river for the missing child.他们正用抓钩在河底打捞那个失踪的孩子。I suspect the management is dragging its heels on this issue.我怀疑管理层是在这个问题上拖延时间。Pippin was dragging behind.皮平落在后面了。The government, he claimed, was dragging its feet.他声称,政府故意拖着不办。After months of dragging its heels, Congress voted on the bill.拖延了几个月之后,国会对议案进行了投票表决。Demonstrators say the administration is dragging its feet in establishing a housing program.示威者说政府在制定住房计划一事上拖拖拉拉。Stop dragging the story out and get to the point.别讲得拖拖沓沓的,直接进入正题吧。They're dragging the river for the body of the missing girl.他们正用抓钩在河底打捞那失踪女孩的尸体。The authorities are dragging their feet over banning cigarette advertising.当局在禁止香烟广告一事上迟迟不采取行动。




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