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词汇 一堆
例句 Many passengers were trapped in the tangled mass of steel.许多旅客被困在那一堆缠绕在一起的钢铁之中。This is the pile of things we need, and over here is the pile of things we can chuck.这堆东西是我们要的,那一堆是可以扔的。She was tangled in a snarl of logs and branches.她被一堆乱七八糟的木头和树枝困在了中间。He tried to burn down the school by setting fire to a pile of papers.他放火点燃了一堆报纸,妄图烧毁学校。John was sitting on the floor in a tangle of blankets.约翰坐在地板上一堆乱糟糟的毯子中间。There is a backlog of repairs and maintenance in schools.对各学校的修缮和维护工作积压了一堆I have a stack of papers to mark.我有一堆试卷要批改。I started a fire.我生起了一堆火。He selected the right chisels from a pile laid out beside him.他从身边摊开的一堆凿子中挑出合用的几把。I put a load into the washing machine.我把要洗的一堆衣服放进洗衣机里。We found a pile of feathers – somebody must have made a kill.我们发现一堆羽毛,肯定有人捕杀了猎物。On the dresser a clutter of compacts, rouges, and lipsticks lie half open.梳妆台上放了一堆化妆粉盒、胭脂和唇膏,盖子都是半开着的。A friendly fire is burning in the hearth.壁炉里燃着一堆怡人的火。I went through the pile of clothes at the back of my wardrobe.我在衣橱最里面的一堆衣服里翻找。He burrowed into the pile of charts feverishly.他非常紧张地在一堆图表中翻找。I've never heard such a load of tripe in all my life.我一辈子还从没听到过这样一堆废话。The novel is a thicket of literary references.这本小说纯粹是由一堆文学参考书胡乱拼凑而成。I turfed out a load of old shoes last week.上周我扔掉了一堆旧鞋子。To my untutored eye that just looks like a load of random brush strokes, and yet it's a very valuable painting.在我这个外行人眼里,那只是一堆随意的涂鸦,但它实际上却是很有价值的作品。He noticed what looked like a bundle of rags beside the road.他注意到路边有一堆看上去像抹布似的东西。It is a tedious, humourless load of crap.那是一堆单调乏味、毫无幽默感的废话。He has a shock of red hair.他长著一堆蓬乱的红头发。I was loaded down with shopping.我带着重重的一堆买来的东西。I want the bottom book in the stack.我要那一堆书当中底下的一本。A fresh cascade of splintered glass tinkled to the floor.又有一堆刚裂开的玻璃碎片叮叮当当地落到地板上。Adele raised herself from the pillows.阿黛尔从一堆枕头中直起身子。If you ask me, what he said is a bunch/load of garbage.要我说,他说的就是一堆废话。Whole blocks had been turned into smouldering rubble.整座整座的街区都变成了一堆冒着青烟的瓦砾。Each pile of gray ash was the remains of a house.一堆灰色的灰烬都是一幢房子的遗迹。Remember all that trouble we had with the police last year?你还记得去年我们跟警察闹出的那一堆麻烦事儿吗?Where other people saw junk, she saw dollar signs. 别人只能看到一堆废品,她却看到了商机。They were given stacks and stacks of toys.给了他们一堆一堆的玩具。I can't cope with all this aggro.一堆烦心事,我应付不过来。I started a fire with a handful of Rocky Mountain feathers.我用一把木刨花点起一堆火。His glasses were buried under a pile of papers.他的眼镜被盖在一堆报纸下面。His feet met the tumble of clothing.他的双脚踩到了乱糟糟的一堆衣服。I ran a load of laundry through the washing machine.我用洗衣机洗了一堆脏衣物。That's just a load of tripe.那就是一堆废物。The car was a heap of twisted metal after the accident.发生事故后汽车成了一堆扭曲的金属。There in front of me was a great pile of old tin cans.我面前是高高的一堆旧罐头盒。




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