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词汇 down the drain
例句 The aid scheme to the company appears to be money down the drain.对那家公司的援助计划看来是把钱扔进水里。The government is throwing tax payers’ money down the drain.政府在白白浪费纳税人的钱。All the chances for negotiations were down the drain.所有的谈判机会都错失了。They accused the government of pouring taxpayers' money down the drain.他们指控政府白白浪费纳税人的钱。She poured the bucket of dirty water down the drain.她把那桶脏水倒到下水道里。Their reputations would go down the drain.他们将会名誉扫地。The public schools are going down the drain.公立学校现在是每况愈下。Ho hum, another nice job down the drain.嗬哼呣,又一份好工作打水漂了。He lamented that four years of his life had gone down the drain because of an injury to his groin.他痛惜他四年的生活就因大腿根部的伤被毁掉了。He dropped his keys down the drain.他的钥匙从下水道井口掉下去了。You're pouring your money down the drain. 你在拿自己的钱打水漂。All my hard work went down the drain.我所有的努力都付之东流了。It slithered back down the drain.它顺着下水道爬了回来。Small local stores are going down the drain.当地小商店的经营每况愈下。I dumped the coffee down the drain.我把咖啡倒入下水道了。Four years of his life had gone down the drain through injury.他因为伤病而荒废了四年的光阴。Their public image was going down the drain.他们的公众形象化为了乌有。




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