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词汇 整日
例句 Standing next to the machine all day left her deaf in one ear.整日站在机器旁边使她一只耳朵失聪。When I'm on holiday I lie on the beach all day.我休假时会整日躺在沙滩上。Since Dad lost his job he just sits around the house all day.自从爸爸失业以来,他整日坐在家里,无所事事。Her parliamentary career has occupied all of her time.整日忙于议会的工作。It stormed all day yesterday.昨天整日刮风下雨。Police watched the house all day, but there was no sign of activity.警察整日监视着这所房子,却未发现任何活动迹象。He was permanently strung out on heroin.吸食海洛因令他整日神志不清。He wouldn't tell them, but kept them in suspense all day.他不吐实情,害得他们整日悬虑。They just goof around, roll around on the floor and fight.他们整日就是瞎闹,在地上摸爬滚打。You've been rushing around all day long.整日都在奔忙。He gloomed all day yesterday.昨天他整日闷闷不乐。The metamorphosis from anxious wife to feted author was rapid and dramatic.整日焦虑的妻子到受人追捧的作家,这变化迅速而剧烈。Their persistence acts as a constant irritant.他们的固执使我们整日不得安宁。He spent a number of years hooked on cocaine, heroin and alcohol.他有好几年时间吸食可卡因和海洛因成瘾,还整日酗酒。He runs around with younger women.整日与年轻女子厮混。Half the students spend all their time sitting round drinking coffee.一半的学生整日闲坐着喝咖啡。He spent the day goofing off instead of working.他不去工作,整日游手好闲。




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