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例句 They've kept us waiting about all morning.他们让我们等了整整一上午。Allow three clear days for delivery.给送货留出整整三天的时间。We've had crummy weather all week.整整一个星期我们这儿的天气都很糟。He spent two whole years writing the novel.他花了整整两年写那本小说。I ate an entire box of chocolates.我吃了整整一盒巧克力。The entire pile shifted and slid, thumping onto the floor.整整一摞东西动了一下后滑落下来,嘭的一声全掉到了地上。The box has been spitting forth maddening nine-second sound bites.电视机已经整整吐放了九秒钟令人疯狂的插播。The storm raged all night.暴风雨肆虐了整整一夜。His wife was nursing a sick baby. He said they were up and down the whole night.他的妻子在护理一个病孩。他说他们一会儿起来一会儿睡下,折腾了整整一夜。We waited two solid hours.我们等了整整两小时。She kept him in suspense for two whole days before she agreed to marry him.她让他焦急地等了整整两天,才答应嫁给他。I was gripped throughout the entire two hours of the film.整整两个小时我都沉浸在这部电影里。He finished last after being lapped twice by the leading runners.他最后一个到达终点,被领先的选手落下了整整两圈。The baby hadn't stopped crying for two whole hours.宝宝不停地哭了整整两小时。It rained for three whole days.下了整整三天雨。The weather has been atrocious all week.整整一星期天气都很糟糕。She'd been going through her own personal hell over the last month.过去的整整一个月,她经历了地狱般的个人灾难。The journalists were firing questions at me for two whole hours.整整两个小时,记者们连珠炮似地向我发问。On Saturday I went to bed and slept fourteen hours solid.星期六我上床整整睡了十四个小时。The war cost millions of lives and decimated three generations.战争使数百万人丧生,毁了整整三代人。Throughout the night, everyone mopped floors and washed walls in a frantic effort to clean the place up for the inspectors.大家拖地的拖地,擦墙的擦墙,整整忙了一个晚上,把地方打扫干净,等待检查人员的到来。I've been feeling like hell all week.整整一星期都感到很不舒服。A whole side of bacon was hanging from a hook on the ceiling.天花板的钩子上挂着整整一扇咸猪肉。I bought a whole book of raffle tickets and I still didn't win anything.我买了整整一本兑奖券,但还是什么都没中。We just monkeyed around all afternoon.我们就整整瞎混了一下午。The boys spent the whole of one afternoon practising bird calls.男孩子们花了整整一下午的时间练习鸟叫。It poured with rain all afternoon.倾盆大雨下了整整一下午。He was not slothful: he had been busy all night.他可不懒,昨晚他忙了整整一夜。This has been on my mind all week.这件事我想了整整一星期了。I have to stay on the antibiotics for a full two weeks.我得继续吃整整两个星期的抗生素。They had been traveling night and day for a whole week.他们日夜兼程已有整整一星期。James studied at the university for eight solid years.詹姆士在大学学了整整八年。She drank a whole carton of orange juice.她喝了整整一盒橙汁。He dropped a whole line in typing.他打字时漏了整整一行。Being left in a bar all afternoon with a load of football fans is not the most edifying of experiences.被留在酒吧里和一帮足球迷整整呆一下午,可不是什么有益身心的经历。He's a full foot taller than his wife.他比妻子高出整整一英尺。I was up all night studying for the test.整整一夜没有睡觉,为了考试在复习功课。He drinks far too much. On one occasion I saw him drink a whole bottle of vodka.他酒喝得太多了,有次我看到他喝了整整一瓶伏特加。They drank an entire keg of beer.他们喝了整整一桶啤酒。It hailed and poured all afternoon.夹杂冰雹的倾盆大雨下了整整一下午。




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