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词汇 整整齐齐
例句 The clean clothes were neatly folded.这些干净的衣服叠得整整齐齐的。He was lying on the bed, fully dressed.他穿得整整齐齐地躺在床上。The headstones were all erect and orderly.墓碑整整齐齐地竖立着。He put his clothes in a neat pile on the bed.他把自己的衣服叠得整整齐齐放在床上。He placed his books in a neat stack.他把书整整齐齐放成一堆。He put the letters tidily away in a drawer.他把那些信件整整齐齐地码进抽屉里。He put the magazines into a neat pile.他把杂志整整齐齐地叠放在一起。It comes neatly wrapped in a little cellophane bag.它被整整齐齐地包在一个小玻璃纸袋里。We piled the boxes up neatly.我们把盒子整整齐齐地摞起来。The paving stones were still there, neatly piled against the hedge.铺路石还在那里,整整齐齐地靠近树篱堆放着。He always looks neat and tidy.他总是穿戴得整整齐齐的。Their cottage is immaculately tidy.他们的农舍收拾得整整齐齐The desks were neatly aligned in rows.书桌一行行排得整整齐齐的。Everything was neat and tidy and gleamingly clean.所有的东西都整整齐齐、干干净净、闪闪发亮。Amy untied her apron and folded it neatly.埃米解下围裙,把它叠得整整齐齐A new tool helps do-it-yourselfers lay bricks as neatly as a professional.一种新工具可使不请工匠自己动手的人,能像砖瓦工一样将砖砌得整整齐齐Mel looked immaculate with not even a hair out of place.梅尔看上去干净利落,甚至连每根头发都整整齐齐I got the house all shipshape while he was away.他不在的时候,我把房子打扫得干干净净,整整齐齐A neatly folded handkerchief was sticking out of his jacket pocket.他的外套口袋里露出一块折得整整齐齐的手帕。The farmers' market was full of brightly coloured vegetables set out on stalls.农夫市场上到处都是色泽鲜亮的蔬菜,整整齐齐地摆在摊子上。They found everything in apple-pie order.他们发现一切都整整齐齐Chairs were arranged and printed material put in order.椅子排得整整齐齐,印刷材料放得井井有条。 Her hair is always perfectly groomed.她的头发总是梳得整整齐齐的。The room was in apple-pie order.房间整整齐齐The queues were orderly and well drilled.队伍整整齐齐,训练有素。The letters had been placed in organized piles, one for each letter of the alphabet.信件已经按字母顺序、每个字母一摞地放得整整齐齐His clothes were neatly folded on a chair.他的衣服叠得整整齐齐地放在一把椅子上。Mrs Harvey's clothes lay neatly folded on a chair.哈维太太的衣服叠得整整齐齐地放在椅子上。She stared out at the impeccably manicured garden.她向外望去,注视着修剪得整整齐齐、无可挑剔的花园。The top sheet had been neatly turned down.最上层被单的边角已被掖得整整齐齐His jackets were arranged in a neat row in the closet.他的外套在衣橱里排列得整整齐齐The books had been stacked up in neat piles.书堆得整整齐齐的。She sorted her clothes into tidy piles.她把她的衣服整理成一叠一叠的,放得整整齐齐The books had been put back neatly on the shelf.书已经整整齐齐地放回到架子上。Pepe was careful to straighten his room before leaving.佩佩很细心,走之前把房间收拾得整整齐齐It only took an hour to get the flat straight after the party.聚会之后只用了一个钟头就把公寓收拾得整整齐齐The books were neatly ranked in rows.这些书籍整整齐齐地排列成行。Her desk is always in apple-pie order.她的书桌总是理得整整齐齐的。Everything was clean and shipshape.一切都是干干净净,整整齐齐The dashboard and controls are clean-cut and tidy.仪表板和控制开关排列得整整齐齐




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