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词汇 doorstep
例句 We're very lucky to have the park right on our doorstep.我们非常幸运,公园就在家旁边。You're lucky having the school and the supermarket on your doorstep.你很幸运,学校和超市都在你家门口。She was murdered on her own doorstep.她在自己家附近被谋杀。The police were at my doorstep.警察就在我家门阶上。They have to put up with a giant oil refinery right on their doorstep.他们不得不忍受就在家门口的巨型炼油厂。The whole family landed on my doorstep for the weekend.全家人到了我的家门口,要在我这儿过周末。It is all too easy to lose sight of what is happening at our own doorstep.自家门口发生的事情,是最容易视而不见的。We sat on the doorstep.我们坐在门阶上。She was appalled to find that the river had risen to the doorstep.她发现河水已涨到门口,惊恐万分。There she was on my doorstep with child in tow.她就站在我家门口,身后还跟着个孩子。Gary got a shock when his ex-girlfriend turned up on his doorstep.加里以前的女友突然出现在门口,使他大吃一惊。The beam from a flashlight showed a beggar sleeping at his doorstep.手电筒的光照出一个乞丐睡在他家门口。This was the weekend that the war finally landed on their doorstep.在这个周末,战火终于烧到了他们的家门口。Those wishing to study urban development have a ready-made example on their doorstep.那些想要研究城市发展的人眼下就有一个十分现成的范例。I was on the back doorstep shaking out a rug.我那时正站在后门台阶上抖一块小地毯。Someone had crapped on the doorstep.有人在门前的台阶上拉了屎。The beach is right at your doorstep. 海滩离你很近。The dog lay panting on the doorstep.那条狗躺在门阶上喘着气。A little girl was sitting on the front doorstep.一个小女孩坐在门前台阶上。Two bottles of milk stood on the doorstep.门阶上放着两瓶牛奶。She continued to smile at the ranks of cameras on their doorstep.她依旧对着门口的一排排照相机微笑着。Bars and restaurants are on the doorstep of the hotel. 酒吧和饭店离旅馆都很近。A real live film star was standing on my doorstep.一个活生生的电影明星就站在我家门阶上。There's a swimming pool right at his doorstep.他家门口就有个游泳池。He took her home in a taxi, saying goodnight formally on the doorstep.他打车送她回了家,并在门前拘谨地道晚安告别。A couple of teenagers were kissing and cuddling on the doorstep.一对年轻人在门阶上亲吻拥抱。The reporters camped upon his doorstep day and night.新闻记者守候在他家门口,日夜不散。We scraped our shoes on the doorstep to get the mud off them.我们在门阶上刮掉鞋子上的泥。Britain is one of the few countries where milk is delivered daily to the doorstep by milkmen.英国是世界上少数几个牛奶每天由送奶人送上门的国家之一。Homelessness is a problem that too many people ignore. Yet it's happening on our own doorstep.无家可归的问题为太多人所忽视,然而它就发生在我们身边。Won't you slice me a doorstep, please?请你给我切一片厚面包好吗?There's a giant oil refinery right on their doorstep.他们家门口就有一家大型炼油厂。There's a lovely park right on our doorstep.离我们住处不远有个很漂亮的公园。Dining out here is easy, with everything from a hamburger to hyperexpensive nouvelle cuisine on your doorstep.在这里出去吃饭很方便,从汉堡包到极其昂贵的新式烹饪菜肴,家门口都应有尽有。She found him sprawled across the doorstep.她发现他四肢摊开倒在门前的台阶上。He took her back to Vincent Square in a taxi, saying goodnight formally on the doorstep.他打车把她送回了文森特广场,并在门口正式道了晚安。I dumped my heavy suitcase down on the doorstep.我把沉重的手提箱胡乱放在台阶上。One day a stranger appeared on my doorstep.有一天,一个陌生人出现在我门前。She was a frequent menace to British diplomats who would find her on their embassy doorstep, demanding safe passage home.她对于英国外交官来说是个大麻烦,因为她经常站在英国大使馆门口要求他们将其安全遣送回家。




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