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例句 Francis leaned back in his seat as the plane picked up speed.飞机加速时,弗朗西斯向后靠在座位上。Stay right there! I'll be back in a minute.呆在这里别动!我马上就回来。He leaned back in the swivel chair and locked his fingers behind his head.他仰靠在转椅上,十指交叉枕在脑后。I'll be back in a couple of days.我过几天就回来。Now he has a chance to put his life back in order.现在他有了一个让自己的生活重新步入正轨的机会。One of the firemen went back in and dragged my husband out through the flames.一名消防员又冲了进去,拖着我的丈夫穿过重重烈焰。Open prisons prepare prisoners for life back in the community.开放式监狱使囚犯为重新开始社会生活做好准备。She was back in a trice.她转眼就回来了。I was back in the changing room wolfing tea and sandwiches.我回到更衣室,狼吞虎咽地喝茶、吃三明治。The British people put us back in power.英国人使我们重掌政权。Her hair was combed back in a bun.她的头发往后梳成一个髻。I leaned back in the chair and stretched.我向后靠在椅子上伸了伸懒腰。She had her long, fine hair held back in a ponytail.她把她又长又细的头发在脑后梳成马尾辫。I may be going back in the fall.我可能在秋天回去。He'll phone back in the morning.他会在上午回电话。Children tend to get pushed back in crowds.人群中孩子们容易被往后推。Under deep hypnosis, subjects can be carried back in memory to early childhood.在深度催眠中,受试者可以重温幼年时期的记忆。Even the most stouthearted of hikers would have had to turn back in this weather.即便是最有勇气的徒步旅行者,碰到这样的天气也会掉头返回的。The boy was kept back in the fourth grade.男孩在四年级时留级。Put the chair back in position.把椅子放回原处。We'll be back in a week.我们一星期后回来。He put the binoculars back in their carrying case.他把双筒望远镜放回到便携盒里。She drew back in horror.她吓得往回缩。She counted all the envelopes, put them back in the box, then started over.她数了所有的信封,把它们放回到盒子里,然后又重数了一遍。She's glad to be back in old Blighty.她很高兴能回到英国。The tide rolls back in the early morning every day.海潮每天清晨退落。I used to enjoy dancing, back in the dim and distant past.很久以前,我曾经非常喜欢跳舞。It will cost billions of dollars to get the company back in shape. 要想使公司恢复元气需花费几十亿美元。I need to start exercising and get back in shape.我需要开始锻炼以恢复体健。The quality of our food is back in the spotlight.我们的食品质量问题重新引起了公众的关注。I was back in harness on Monday, handling paperwork at my desk.周一我又恢复了正常工作,在办公桌旁处理文件。She lay back in the dentist's chair and tried to relax.她向后躺在牙医的椅子上,尽量让自己放松下来。You can rest for three or four months and then the longing for work will return and you will be right back in harness.休息三四个月后,你就会渴望工作,然后马上重返工作状态。The natural look is back in fashion.自然妆又风行起来了。Don't forget to put the ice cream back in the freezer.别忘了把冰激凌放回冰柜。Mixing his metaphors, he described the problem by saying "We've opened up a can of worms here, and now we have to get the genie back in the bottle".他用混合隐喻形容面对的问题,“我们打开了一个‘虫罐子’,现在我们必须把妖怪放回瓶子里去”。I'm afraid Mr Jones is in a meeting. Could you ring back in about an hour?对不起,琼斯先生正在开会。你一小时后再打给他好吗?The team aimed to make the South Pole and back in a month.考察组的目标是在一个月之内往返南极。I'll be back in half an hour.我半小时后回来。She hit back in self-defense.出于自卫,她进行了反击。




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