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词汇 backing
例句 Each photograph is mounted on a cardboard backing.每张像片都被裱贴在背衬纸板上。He banged up the car backing out of the garage.他从车库往外倒车的时候把车撞坏了。The tape has an adhesive backing.这胶带背面有黏性。His success at backing winning horses has had the bookmakers running for cover.他赌马总是押对,让赌马经纪人纷纷寻求自保。Who's going to provide the backing?谁将提供支持?I eventually got financial backing, but it was a slog.最后我终于获得了财政支持,但是这个过程很艰苦。Teachers are strongly backing the new educational policies.老师们强烈支持新的教育政策。The United States had no intention of backing down in its bitter row over farm subsidies.美国无意就激烈争吵的农产品补贴问题作出让步。He had the backing of other mossback aristocrats.他得到其他守旧派贵族的支持。He's backing away from the policies and style of his predecessor.他正脱离其前任的政策和风格。The company failed to get sufficient financial backing, and never got off the ground.公司在资金上得不到足够的援助,一直未能顺利发展。The band are breaking in a new backing vocalist.乐队在帮一名新的后备主唱进行磨合和适应。Parker's solo on "A Night in Tunisia" was so amazing that the pianist backing him simply stopped playing.帕克的独奏《突尼斯之夜》实在是太精彩了,以至于为他伴奏的钢琴手干脆停了下来。I promised to help and I'm not backing out now.我答应过要帮忙,现在我也没有打退堂鼓。Making a profit from laying horses to lose is no easier or harder than backing horses to win.通过赌马输赚钱在难度上与通过赌马赢赚钱没什么差别。I'm backing France to win the championship.我赌法国队会获得冠军。The project has received financial backing from several investors.项目得到了几位投资者的资助。The employees are backing the reorganization plans, with reservations.员工支持重组计划,但有保留意见。Egypt has given almost unqualified backing to Washington.埃及几乎全力支持华盛顿。Chairman Robert Eaton said he has the backing of the vast majority of the company's major shareholders.董事会主席罗伯特·伊顿说,他得到了公司绝大多数大股东的支持。She had toured as a backing musician for Madonna.她曾以麦当娜伴奏乐师的身份巡回演出。The new leader has a large backing.新的领导人拥有一大批支持者。Gloria Reuben quit acting to join Tina Turner on stage as a backing singer and dancer.格洛丽亚·鲁本弃影登台,为蒂娜·特纳伴唱伴舞。If I go ahead with the plan, can I count on your backing?如果我着手实施这个计划,你会资助我吗?The teachers have the full backing of the parents.老师们得到家长的全力支持。The new president has the confidence and backing of all of the leaders of the surrounding states.所有邻近国家的领导人都对这位新总统表示信任和支持。The men who wield the power are certainly backing him to the hilt.掌权者必定会全力支持他。Johnson now sings backing vocals for Mica Paris.约翰逊现在为迈卡·帕里斯伴唱。Try backing the car in-it's easier that way.试着倒车进去 - 这样容易些。His manager is backing him in his dispute with the record company.在和唱片公司的纠纷中,他的经纪人一直支持着他。Sharon also sang backing vocals for Barry Manilow.莎伦也为巴里·马尼洛伴唱。Crucially, though, it failed to secure the backing of the banks.然而重要的是,它没能获得银行的支持。They brought the legal action with the backing of their doctor.在医生的支持下,他们提起了法律诉讼。Peel off the paper backing from the adhesive strip.从胶条上揭下纸背衬。We can't do it without their backing.没有他们的支持我们是做不成这件事的。Keep the car straight when you're backing out.倒车时要保持车身平直。If your business proposal is not very well thought out, you will find it difficult to get financial backing.如果你的商业计划未经缜密考虑,很难获得经济支持。The star arrived in London with her usual entourage of dancers and backing singers.这位歌星到达了伦敦,随行的还有她惯用的伴舞和伴唱人员。The country needs the backing of the international community to give it the confidence to rebuild its war-battered economy.该国需要国际社会支持,来给它信心重建受战争创伤的经济。We went to see a band who had Julia Fordham on backing vocals.我们去看了一个乐队的演出,是由茱利娅·福德姆伴唱的。




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