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It's donkey's years since I went to the movies.我已很久没去看电影了。It's been donkey's years since I saw her.我很多年前见过她。She rarely spoke, but her brother could talk the hind legs off a donkey. 她很少说话,但她哥哥说起话来就没完没了。I haven't been swimming in donkey's years.我已经很久没游泳了。She worked in the shop for donkey's years, although the pay was awful.尽管工资低得可怜,她还是在店里工作了很久。The real donkey work was actually done by those guys.真正的苦差事实际上是由那些家伙干的。The professor employed an assistant to do all the donkey-work on his treatise.教授雇了一位助手为他的论文做一切事务性工作。Why should I do all the donkey work while you sit around doing nothing?为什么你在那里闲坐着什么也不干,而我却要干所有这些枯燥乏味的活儿?The donkey is a relative of the horse.驴和马有亲缘关系。He gave the donkey a mighty prod in the backside.他用力捅了一下驴屁股。The town has donkey rides, miniature golf, and a model boating lake.这个小镇有一个骑驴场、迷你高尔夫球场,还有一个模型船只湖。He could talk the hind legs off a donkey.他讲起话来可以说是滔滔不绝,没完没了。They feared the donkey would collapse under the extra burden.他们担心额外的负重会把驴子压垮。It's donkey's years since I was last in Paris.我上次来巴黎离现在已有许多年了。He is as stupid as a donkey.他和驴子一样蠢。The donkey brayed and tried to bolt.这头驴嘶叫着试图脱缰而逃。The dish of apples must be donkey's years old.这苹果菜肴定是历史久远了。My favourite joke of all time is the one about the donkey who goes to the doctor and says ...我一直以来最喜欢的一个笑话是讲一头驴子跑去看医生,它说…Lizzie, bouncing along on the donkey, made a comical sight.莉齐在驴背上一路颠簸,看上去很滑稽。Riding on a donkey is a slow mode of travel.骑驴子旅行是一种缓慢的旅行方式。He threw the old cloth saddle across the donkey's back.他把旧布鞍搭在驴背上。Once again the donkey jibbed and would not pass it.那头驴再一次突然停下来,不敢越过它。The donkey brayed and tried to bolt.驴子嘶叫起来,试图窜出去。He picked up a stick and used it as a prod to get the donkey moving.他捡了根长棍,用它当赶驴棒。I had to do the donkey work.我不得不干枯燥的苦差事。Some of these medicines have been in the stockroom for donkey's years.这些药物有部分在仓库里已经放了很久了。She would talk a donkey's hind leg off if you gave her the chance.假如你给她个说话的机会,她一开口便会没完没了。Once old Mulrooney got started there was no stopping him - that man could talk the hind leg off a donkey.老马尔鲁尼一打开话匣子就停不下来,他可真是话多啊。I've had this jacket for donkey's years.这件夹克衫我穿了好多年了。They mated a horse with a donkey.他们把一匹马同一匹驴交配。A mule is a cross between a female horse and a male donkey.骡是雌马和雄驴交配而生的杂种。He gave the donkey a whack across the back with his stick.他拿棍子朝驴背上狠狠打了一下。They crossed a horse with a donkey.他们用马与驴杂交。Why do I have to do all the donkey work?我为什么得做这些乏味的苦差事呢?The donkey was plodding slowly along under its heavy load.驴子驮着沉甸甸的东西,艰难缓慢地往前走。I've been a vegetarian for donkey's years.多年以来我一直是个素食者。Mating a horse with a donkey produces a mule.马和驴交配后生出骡子。 |