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词汇 postage
例句 The postage for airmail is 50 cents.一封航空信的邮资是美金五毛。Affix postage stamps to the letter.把邮票贴到信上。All prices include postage and packing.所有的价格都包括邮资和包装费。Your parcel will not be delivered without the proper postage.邮票面值不够的话,您的包裹就无法投递。She's such a good pilot that she can land her plane on a postage stamp!她是位出色的飞行员,能把飞机降落在巴掌大的地方!For foreign orders postage is extra.国外订单邮资另计。How do you handle letters without postage stamps on them in your country?你们国家是如何处理不贴邮票的信件的? What I laughingly refer to as my garden is a corner lot by our postage-stamp size house.我戏称为花园的地方,是我们家那豆腐块大小的屋子旁边的一个犄角旮旯。I'll ask at the post office what the postage is on a letter to the United States.我去邮局问一下,寄往美国的信要多少邮费。Proof of postage will not be accepted as proof of receipt.邮资单据不能当作收据。The postage stamps to commemorate this great occasion had already been printed.已印发邮票来纪念这一伟大时刻。How much is the postage for this package?寄这个包裹多少钱?Enclose two dollars for postage and handling.附上两美元作为邮费和手续费。You have to add the cost of postage to the subtotal.你需要将邮费加入小计部分。The cost of postage depends on the weight of the package邮费视包裹的重量而定。A chip is a piece of silicon about the size of a postage stamp.芯片就是一枚邮票大小的硅片。He began pacing the postage stamp of space behind his desk.他开始在书桌后面的那一小块地方踱来踱去。Presumably the junk mailer had to pay excess postage on the returned prepaid envelopes which now each contained a brick.在垃圾邮件预付邮资的信封里装块砖头寄回去,这样发垃圾邮件的人可能需要支付超重部分的邮资。All prices include postage and packing / handling.所有的价格均包括邮费和包装/装卸费。Have you reckoned in the cost of postage?你把邮资计算在内了吗?Sheets of postage stamps are perforated.大张的邮票上打有齿孔。There's a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge.除了维修费之外还有邮费和包装费。Several of the architect's most famous buildings will soon be depicted on postage stamps.那名建筑师设计的最著名的几大建筑即将被印在邮票上。I hope I put enough postage on the package.我希望我在包裹上贴的邮票足够多。What's the postage on this package?这个包裹的邮费是多少?Covers must bear postage at the first-class rate.封套上必须贴有一类邮件所需的邮票。Have you reckoned the cost of postage in the total?你把邮资算进总数了吗?Sending those books cost me a fortune in postage!寄那些书花了我一大笔邮费!




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