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词汇 donated
例句 Half the money raised was donated to charity.募集来的钱一半捐给了慈善事业。He has maintained that the money was donated for international purposes.他坚称这笔捐款将用于国际用途。All donated blood is screened for HIV.所献血液一律要经过人体免疫缺陷病毒的筛查。I donated money to that charity a few months ago, and they're already hitting me up for more.我几个月前给那家慈善机构捐过钱,他们现在还要我再捐。She donated her books to the library.她把自己的书捐赠给图书馆。He donated his art collection to the Guggenheim Museum.他将自己的艺术收藏品捐赠给了古根海姆博物馆。Others donated second-hand clothes.其他人捐赠了一些旧衣服。Many companies have donated gifts in kind.许多公司以货代款捐赠了礼物。It will come out that she has covertly donated considerable sums to the IRA.她暗中给爱尔兰共和军提供了大笔资助的事情即将曝光。The silver trophy was donated by a Leicester businessman.银制奖杯是由一个莱斯特的商人捐赠的。Half the proceeds will be donated to the church.一半的收益将捐给教会。They have a long association with the school and have donated millions of dollars to it.他们和这所学校很有渊源,已为该校捐赠了数百万美元。She donated a fifth of her income to charity.她把收入的五分之一捐给了慈善机构。The books were donated by a local publishing company.这些书由当地的一家出版公司捐赠。A large proportion of the proceeds are donated to charity.大部分收入都捐给慈善机构。Chairman Gou donated 10 billion to NTU to create a cancer hospital. That was the biggest act of philanthropy of that year.郭董事长捐给台大一百亿成立癌症医院。这是当年最大的慈善之举。Others donated secondhand clothes.其他人捐赠了一些旧衣服。Five schools donated money to the homeless shelter.五所学校的师生向流浪者收容所捐了款。A former student has donated a munificent sum of money to the college.一位校友为这所大学捐赠了一大笔钱。The painting was bought by an anonymous benefactor, and donated to the Museum of Modern Art.这幅画作是一位不愿透露姓名的捐赠人买来捐赠给现代艺术博物馆的。Tons of internationally donated food was distributed to the starving peasants.数吨国际社会捐赠的食品被分给了这些饥饿的农民。We donated to the relief effort for the hurricane victims.我们捐款救济受到飓风侵袭的受害者。Many of the artists in the show donated their fee to charity.参加演出的许多艺人将演出收入捐给慈善事业。She donated her body to medicine.她将自己的身体捐献给医学研究。They illegally drew off thousands of dollars that had been donated to the charity.他们非法挪用了捐给慈善机构的数千美元。Some of the money goes to cover expenses, but a large proportion is donated to charity.一部分资金用于填补支出,但大部分都捐给慈善机构。The donated liver came from the UK, but the hospital is giving no further details.捐赠的肝脏来自英国,但医院未透露其他细节。In one final act of altruism, she donated almost all of her money to the hospital.在最后一次无私的举动中,她向医院捐出了几乎所有的钱。In lieu of flowers, funeral money will be donated to Queen's Mountaineering Club.赠送给女王登山俱乐部的将是殡仪费,而不是鲜花。In this country, all donated blood is tested before it is used.在这个国家,所有捐献的血液在使用前都经过检测。We donated our old clothes to charity.我们把旧衣服捐给了慈善机构。She donated a sizeable portion of her riches to children's charities.她将很大一部分财产捐给了儿童慈善机构。He donated the painting in his wife's memory.他捐出这幅画以纪念亡妻。In her will, she asked that her money be donated to the church.在遗嘱里,她要求将她的钱捐献给教会。We all owe a debt of gratitude to Mrs Stevenson, who kindly donated the money for the project.我们很感激史蒂文森太太,她好心地给这项计划捐了款。The supermarket donated a year's supply of groceries to one needy family.超级市场捐赠了足够一个困难家庭使用一年的日用品。Many of the artists in the show donated their fees to charity.许多参加表演的艺术家把他们的所得捐给了慈善机构。All the money raised will be donated to the Cancer Research Fund.所有筹得的款项都将捐给癌症研究基金会。The remainder of the money will be donated to charity.剩余款将捐给慈善机构。A university professor who used his modest means to collect over 300 valuable artworks has donated them to the National Gallery.一名大学教授以他不高的收入收集了三百多件有价值的艺术品,并已经把它们捐赠给了国家美术馆。




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