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例句 They called him a choker when he missed the shot that would have won the game.他错失了一记决胜球,大家都管他叫臭手。He hit his opponent with an uppercut to the chin.一记上勾拳打在了对手的下巴上。She birdied the second hole.她第二洞打出了一记小鸟球。He struck him out with a fastball.他用一记快球使击球手三击未中出局。Her overhead smash went out of the court.一记高空扣杀把球打出了场外。He curled the ball into the top right hand corner.一记弧线球从球门右上角打入。The boxer was floored by a punishing left jab.拳击手被一记凶狠的左刺拳击倒在地。The computer has dealt a mortal blow to traditional printing methods.计算机给了传统的印刷方法一记致命的打击。Beckham went over to take the corner.贝克汉姆过去踢了一记角球。I was winded by the force of his punch.他那一记重拳打得我喘不过气来。She drove the ball into the top corner of the goal.一记劲射,把球踢进球门的上角。The batter hit into a double play.击球手的一记击球造成双杀。I was startled by a light tap at the door.我被一记轻轻的敲门声吓了一大跳。The home run ended the game and snuffed their chances to win a championship.一记全垒打终结了比赛,也使他们夺冠的希望破灭了。The batter hit a screaming line drive right at the shortstop.击球手快速有力地朝游击手方向击出了一记平直球。They lost by an own goal.他们因为一记乌龙球输了比赛。I hauled off and slugged him.我先往后一缩,给了他一记重击。He won with an ace on his second set point.他在第二个盘点以一记发球得分获胜。He hit a long ball to right field.他往右场击出一记长球。She ended the rally with a hard overhand shot to the far corner.她来了一记远角的上手大力击球,结束了多拍回合的对攻。Sikander Bakht played a bad shot.西坎德尔·巴克特击出一记坏球。He hauled in a long touchdown pass.他接住一记长传达阵得分。Kasapis scored the final goal with a low shot from inside the penalty area.卡萨皮斯在禁区内一记低射攻入了最后一球。I made/scored a birdie on the fifth hole.我在第五洞打出一记小鸟球。Dawson made a difficult pot look very easy.很难的一记击球在道森手上却显得轻而易举。He threw a right/left hook to his opponent's body.他冲着对手身体挥了一记右/左勾拳。The center fielder made a great catch.中间手接了一记非常漂亮的球。The batter was hit by an inside pitch. 击球手被一记内角球击中。A hard slap on the back staggered him.背上的一记猛击使他打了个踉跄。He cracked a terrific shot into the bottom corner of the net.他起脚一记漂亮的射门,将球踢入球门下角。As Nadal came in to the net, Murray passed him a superbly placed shot.当纳达尔上来封网时,穆雷打出了一记落点极佳的穿越球。He made/scored a bogey on the second hole.他在第二洞打出一记柏忌球。She spiked the ball and scored the winning point.一记扣球,得到了制胜的一分。The bowler put a sideways spin on the ball.板球投手投出了一记侧旋球。He hit a hard/soft line drive to the shortstop.他朝游击手打出一记有力的/无力的平直球。Ballack struck the free-kick powerfully at Rost.巴拉克一记强有力的任意球射向罗斯特。James blocked the shot but conceded a corner.詹姆斯挡住了一记射门,但给了对方一个角球。He struck a superb shot into the back of the net.他以一记漂亮的射门将球踢入网窝。He kicked the winning field goal.他踢进了制胜的一记任意球。A late goal by Karyn Bye enthused the home crowd.卡雷恩·拜伊迟来的一记射门得分让主场观众沸腾了起来。




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