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Wouldn't it be the dogs to be treated like that?得到那样的款待岂不美哉?Near the exit was a stand selling sandwiches, hot dogs etc.出口附近有一个卖三明治、热狗等食品的小摊。Her fear of dogs is a holdover from her childhood.她害怕狗,那是儿时遗留下来的。The dogs chased their quarry.那些狗追赶它们的猎物。To many dogs, the back seat of a car can seem like hell on earth.对于许多狗来说,汽车的后座简直就像是人间地狱。I think it's cruel to keep dogs locked up inside all day.我认为整天把狗关起来是残酷的。The sled dogs are trained to run when they hear the whip crack.这些雪橇狗被训练得一听到挥鞭声就跑。The dogs mustered several thousand animals.这几条狗把几千头牲口赶拢在一起。Owners who allow their dogs to foul the footpath will be fined.主人若放任狗在人行道上排便将受处罚。The police will sic their dogs on you if they have to.在不得已的情况下,警察会放狗咬你。They were more concerned about the dogs' welfare than a clean getaway.他们更关心那些狗的安危,而非自己如何干净利落地脱身。Harold took a great shot of the dogs playing together.哈罗德拍了一张很棒的几只狗嬉戏的照片。Men drove off the dogs with stones.人们用石头赶走了狗群。Don't ask him again. It's better to let sleeping dogs lie.不要再问他了,最好别惹麻烦。Several dogs were penned up behind the house.屋后关着几条狗。The dogs tracked the wolf to its lair.那群狗追踪那只狼一直到它的巢穴。Don't let the dogs run free.别让狗到处乱跑。She lavishes attention on those silly little dogs.她过分照顾那些愚蠢的小狗。He breeds dogs as an avocation.他的业余爱好是养狗。She ate two hot dogs, and he ate three hot dogs, so between them they ate five hot dogs.她吃了两根热狗,他吃了三根,所以他们一共吃了五根。We met a tweedy man walking a couple of dogs.我们遇到一个在遛几条狗的乡绅。The dogs must have picked up his scent.狗一定是嗅出了他的气息。The dogs were trailing a fox.这几只狗在追踪一只狐狸。I like to eat hot dogs with mustard and relish.我喜欢吃带芥末和调味酱的热狗。The dogs ran free around the farm.狗儿在农场到处乱跑。Mother took hold of the barking dogs by their collars.母亲拉住了那几只吠叫的狗的项圈。The dogs were catching their breath after the long chase.长途追逐后,这几条狗气喘吁吁。They have two show dogs. 他们有两条赛狗。The police ordered that all dogs had to be on leashes.警方规定狗都要系上皮带。The dogs consume a bag of dog food each week.这些狗每星期吃掉一袋狗粮。We got hot dogs at the concession stand.我们在小吃摊买了热狗。To ease her loneliness, she spent a lot of time with her dogs.为了排遣孤寂,她很多时间与自己的狗相伴。All dogs must be kept on a lead.所有的狗都必须系牵狗皮带。We could hear dogs barking in the distance.我们可以听到远处的狗叫声。Labradors are used as guide dogs for blind people.拉布拉多狗被用作盲人的导盲犬。In general I like cats better than dogs.一般来说,猫和狗相比我更喜欢猫。He tried in vain to keep the two dogs apart before the neighbour intervened.邻居过来帮忙前,他费了半天劲儿也没把两只狗分开。When did dogs first become domesticated?狗最早是什么时候被驯化的?The dogs easily picked up the scent of the murderer.狗毫不费力地嗅出了谋杀者的气味。Some areas can hold hidden dangers for dogs.一些区域可能对狗有隐伏的危险。 |