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例句 The Internal Security Act allows indefinite detention without trial.《内安法令》允许未经审判而进行无期限拘留。The city's wealth allows drug traffickers to live a comfortable lifestyle without drawing attention to themselves.这个城市的富庶使贩毒分子生活得悠然自得,丝毫不会引起别人的注意。The new law allows you to withhold payment if you think a bill is incorrect.如果你觉得账单不对,这条新的法律允许你拒付。The music allows for improvisatory variation.这首乐曲允许即兴变奏。His speed allows him to easily dribble past defenders.他的速度快,能轻松带球越过防守队员。My guest pass allows me to use the club's facilities free of charge.我有贵宾证,可以免费使用该俱乐部的设施。The condition allows him only to see peripherally.当时的情况只允许他向周边看一看。Face-recognition software allows you to log into your computer using your face as your password.面部识别软件可以用你的脸做密码让你登录计算机。The compact design of the machine allows it to be stored easily.这台机器的设计小巧灵便,存放起来非常方便。It allows the train to maintain a constant speed through the twists and turns of existing track.它使火车在通过现有轨道的弯曲处时得以保持恒定的车速。He believes that religion allows us to develop our human potential.他认为宗教可以让我们开发人类的潜力。The trip allows you plenty of time for browsing around the shops.此次旅行留给你足够的时间逛商店。This child-support order allows you to garnish the wages of the paying parent, should payments become overdue.如抚养费逾期不付,此儿童抚养法令准许你扣发应付费父亲或母亲的工资。The system allows you to transfer data easily from one computer to another.这个系统可以让你把数据轻松地从一台电脑传到另一台电脑上。The computer chip allows parents to block programs containing violence, sex, or bad language.这种电脑芯片使家长能够拦截含有暴力、性或脏话内容的程序。The furnace has a design that allows the flame to burn at a lower temperature.这炉子的设计可以让火苗在较低的温度下燃烧。The new law allows schools to spend more money on less advantaged children.新法令允许学校把更多的钱花在那些家境不太优越的学生身上。The software allows you to scan photographic images on your personal computer.用这个软件,你可以在自己的个人计算机上浏览照片。He has a security clearance that allows him access to classified information.他持有安全许可,可以接触机密信息。The VCR allows you to fast-forward, reverse, or put the picture in freeze-frame.录像机可以快进、倒退或者定格图片。The remote control allows you to switch easily between TV channels.遥控器可以使你在不同电视频道之间轻松转换。The evidence allows of two possible interpretations.这个证据容许两种可能的解释。Their coloration allows them to blend in.它们的着色使它们显得很和谐。The book allows us to glimpse the future of the computer industry.这本书使我们对计算机行业的未来有了粗浅了解。Warren also allows that capitalist development may, in its early stages, result in increased social inequality.沃伦也承认资本主义发展初级阶段可能会导致社会不平等现象加剧。No one may call himself mature if he bears grudges or allows hatred to fester within.如果心怀怨恨或是任由仇恨在内心郁积,那就不能自称是成熟之人。This word processor allows you to work with two documents at one time.这部文字处理器让你可以同时处理两份文件。This allows us to export many goods at unbeatable prices.这使得我们能够以具有绝对优势的价格出口很多商品。My handsfree cell phone allows me to do this no matter where I am.免提手机使我能够这样去做,不管我在哪里。The task is so urgent that it allows of no hesitation.任务非常紧迫,不容迟疑。The game allows you to match wits with a computer criminal.这个游戏可以让你与计算机罪犯斗智斗勇。The situation allows of no delay.情况不容许有任何延误。The state allows no communication with a condemned man.这个州不允许与被判死刑的人有联系。This plan allows you to make an unlimited number of phone calls to anywhere in the U.S.这个套餐允许你无限次拨打美国任何地方的电话。A touch-screen feature allows visitors to call up relevant information.触摸屏特色设计使参观者可以调取相关信息。The evidence allows of no other interpretation.这项证据只能有一种解释。Art allows us to express things that we would not be able to express otherwise.艺术可以让我们表达出一些用其他方式无法表达的东西。The library allows you to check out six books at a time.图书馆允许每次借六本书。The new material allows the company to make gas pipes which withstand higher pressures.新材料使得公司可以生产出耐压力更强的输气管道。She has a security clearance that allows her to see the classified information.她有接触机密的官方许可,可以看这些机密信息。




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