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词汇 Kathy
例句 I guess Kathy will want to bring her boyfriend.我猜凯西会想带男朋友来。Kathy stops at a sidewalk cafe to ask a local directions.凯西停在路边一家小餐馆,向一名当地人问路。Gail's sudden illness meant that Kathy had to step into the breach.吉尔突然生病,这意味着凯西不得不顶替她。Kathy's been quite ill with flu, but I think she's on the mend now.凯茜得了流感,病得很重,不过我觉得她现在正在好转。Kathy smiled at her daughter's radiant face.凯茜对着女儿容光焕发的面孔微笑着。Poor Kathy fell flat on her face in the mud.可怜的凯茜脸朝下跌进了泥里。Off-screen, Kathy is under the watchful eye of her father Terry.生活中的凯茜受到父亲特里的严格看管。Kathy had hard sledding in her math course because she was poorly prepared.凯西的数学很难进步,因为她的基础太差。Kathy is a great mate, we are like sisters.凯茜是个很不错的伙伴,我们亲如姐妹。Kathy goaded him into telling her what he had done.凯茜逼着他把自己所干的事告诉了她。Kathy said she'd help but she flaked out on us.凯西说过会帮忙的,但她对我们食言了。Kathy was turning the corner when one of the front tyres blew.凯西正在转弯,这时车的一个前轮突然爆胎了。Kathy seems to take a very passive role in the relationship.凯西在这一关系中似乎扮演着十分被动的角色。I wish to express my gratitude to Kathy Davis for her immense practical help.凯茜·戴维斯实实在在地帮了大忙,我想对她表示感谢。Kathy sent an e-mail to her mother.凯西给母亲发了一封电子邮件。Kathy couldn't help smiling as the children came back into the room.孩子们回到房间,凯茜禁不住笑了。Kathy has tolerated his selfish behaviour for years.多年来凯西一直在容忍他的自私行为。After Kathy lost her job, things went from bad to worse, and eventually she and Ed split up.凯茜失业后情况变得更糟,最终她和埃德分手了。The town bully caught Kathy, and Tom left her in the lurch.市井歹徒抓住了凯茜,而汤姆却把她弃之不顾。Off-screen, Kathy is under the watchful eye of her father.在实际生活中,凯茜受到父亲的严密看护。Philip became acquainted with Kathy.菲力普开始与凯茜认识。Kathy was in the year above me at college.上大学时凯西比我高一届。




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