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词汇 Katie
例句 The story begins in medias res, with Shay dead and Hano and Katie on the run.故事开门见山,夏伊已死,哈诺和凯蒂在逃逸中。When we finished the set, Katie's face was red and glistening with sweat.我们打完这盘网球,凯蒂的脸红红的,汗珠闪闪发亮。Katie can't draw a real picture yet but she enjoys scribbling with crayons.凯蒂还不能很正经地画画,但她喜欢用蜡笔乱涂乱画。I got a shower invitation from Katie.我接到邀请去参加凯蒂的送礼派对。Katie seems happy at her new school.凯蒂在新的学校好像很开心。As Katie fell asleep her book fell from her hands and slithered off the bed.凯蒂睡着了,书从她手中掉下,从床上滑了下来。Suddenly Katie burst into the room.凯蒂突然冲进房间。Katie tied her hair back with a ribbon.凯蒂用丝带把头发扎在脑后。Someway, he had never thought of Katie as being young, and a bride.不知怎么搞地他从来就没有想到过凯蒂是个年轻的新娘。Katie, put that down this minute, or you'll go straight to bed.凯蒂,快把那东西放下,要不现在就上床睡觉去。Katie was one of the few children who could read when she started kindergarten.凯蒂是少数几个上学前班的时候就会认字的孩子之一。Katie's toys were spread out all over the floor.凯蒂的玩具摊得地板上到处都是。Mark says the ideas are Katie's own, and is quick to praise her talent.马克说这些都是凯蒂自己的想法,并随即称赞起她的天赋来。Later that day I was horsing around with Katie when she accidentally stuck her finger in my eye.那天晚些时候,我正和凯蒂一起胡闹时,她不小心用手指戳到了我的一只眼睛。Katie almost spilled her milk.凯蒂差点儿把牛奶弄洒。Katie had drawn a cottage with a little stream running next to it.凯蒂画了一间小茅舍,边上流淌着一条小溪。Katie was spluttering with rage.凯蒂气得说话结结巴巴。Rather than break her appointment and disappoint me, Katie again took the car.凯蒂又一次把车开来了,而没有爽约让我失望。Katie was wearing a simple silver chain.凯蒂戴着一条简单的银项链。Later that day I was horsing about with Katie when she accidentally stuck her finger in my eye.那天晚些时候,我和凯蒂玩闹时,她不小心用手指戳到我的眼睛。Katie stopped dead and stared at him.凯蒂突然停了下来盯着他看。Katie was his last real chance at happiness.凯蒂是他获得幸福的最后真正的机会。Katie Moore took the ladies' side-saddle award.凯蒂·穆尔获得了最佳女侧骑手奖。Katie's face was full of the soft brightness which indicated a peaceful heart.凯蒂的脸充满了柔和与愉快的表情,显示她内心平静。Katie sometimes talks in her sleep.凯蒂有时候睡觉说梦话。Are you going to Katie's leaving party on Friday?星期五你打算去参加凯蒂的送别会吗?We've got Katie a bike for her birthday, but don't tell her - it's a surprise.我们买了一辆自行车送给凯蒂作为生日礼物,不过不要告诉她—这是个惊喜。Have you heard? Katie's splitting up with Andrew!你听说了吗?凯蒂和安德鲁分手了!The news is read by Katie Daly.这组新闻是由凯蒂・戴利播报的。Katie's voice broke and for a moment she couldn't continue.凯蒂声音都变了,有那么一会儿她都说不下去了。Although he had no children of his own, he took a kind of paternal interest in Katie's progress at school.虽然他自己没有子女,但他对凯蒂的学业怀着慈父般的兴趣。Try as he might, Dan couldn't disguise his feelings for Katie.不论怎么努力,丹还是掩饰不住对凯蒂的感情。




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