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例句 Several international relief organizations had been allowed into the area to determine what help was needed.几个国际救援组织已获准进入该地区,以评估需要哪些帮助。No physical contact with other players is allowed in the game.参赛选手们在比赛中不能发生身体接触。Are people with criminal records allowed to sit on a jury?有犯罪记录的人能担任陪审员吗?Some natural emotion must be allowed to show through.一些自然的情感应该任其流露出来。Each contestant is allowed a fixed amount of time.每个选手都给了一段固定的时间。A monster like that should not be allowed to live!这样的恶魔是不该让他活着的。You are not allowed to smoke until after takeoff.飞机起飞之前你不得抽烟。We're not allowed to camp here without the farmer's permission.没有农场主的许可,我们不能在此露营。A gamble by the quarterback on the final play allowed them to score.最后一场比赛时四分卫的一次冒险进攻使他们得分了。Passengers are allowed one item of hand luggage each.每位乘客允许携带一件手提行李。They will be allowed home.他们将获准回家。They will be allowed home after lunch.他们午饭后将可以回家。Vehicles over a certain weight are not allowed to use the bridge.超过一定重量的车辆禁止在这座桥上行驶。Members of the cult are not allowed to marry or own property without permission.这个异端教派的教徒没有得到许可不得结婚,也不得拥有财产。The moderator allowed audience members to ask the governor questions.主持人允许观众向州长提问。My father allowed me only a sip or two of wine with each meal.我父亲每餐只许我喝一两口酒。At length, the authorities allowed her to go home.当局终于允许她回家了。Her lawyers have made a formal request that she be allowed to stay in the country until her husband's trial.她的律师已提出正式要求,允许她留在国内等到丈夫受审完毕。We were stopped by the police and frisked before being allowed into the building.我们被警察拦住搜了身,然后才获准进入大楼。The ships were allowed free passage into and out of the port.这些船只可以自由进出港口。We are dismayed that the demonstration was allowed to take place.游行得到批准让我们感到失望。As a senior citizen, he is allowed to audit university classes.作为一个老年人,他得到准许可以旁听大学的课程。Fine arts allowed him to release his natural gifts.美术使他得以发挥自己的天赋才能。You know perfectly well that's not allowed.你根本就知道那是不允许的。His speech overran the time allowed.他的发言超出了规定时间。Grace allowed her mind to wander to other things.格雷丝任由自己的思绪游移到别的事情上。No visitors are allowed save in the most exceptional cases.除极特殊的情况外,访客概不接待。Cars allowed, but parking is limited.车辆准许进入,但是车位有限。As soon as relations improve they will be allowed to go.一旦关系有所改善,他们就可以获准离开。He has been allowed to leave the country and is on his way to Britain.他已获准离境,正在去往英国的路上。The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, unless accompanied by an adult.学校的纪律规定,除非有大人陪同,小孩白天不得离开学校。They allowed the garden to become overgrown with weeds.他们任凭花园杂草丛生。Never again would he be allowed to set foot in their house.他再也不会被允许踏进他们的家门。No soliciting is allowed on store property.店区之内禁止举行募捐活动。Plans for a peace conference failed due to disagreement on who should be allowed to attend.由于在受邀人员一事上谈不拢,和平会谈的计划化为了泡影。As he is a partner in the firm, he is allowed to buy wines at cost.由于他是公司的合伙人,他可以按成本价格买酒。Masters sometimes allowed slaves to buy their way out of bondage.奴隶主有时候允许奴隶为自己赎身。Their teacher allowed them three days for the assignment.他们的老师给他们三天时间完成作业。A rose had been allowed to grow unchecked up one of the walls.一株蔷薇沿着其中一面墙蔓延滋长。The company is not allowed to exceed its budget.公司不允许超支。




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