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词汇 被释放
例句 He was captured by rebel forces and kept as their prisoner for several months before they set him free.他被叛军抓获成为了战俘,几个月后才被释放Once pressure was released, the vertebrae decompressed.一旦压力被释放,椎骨就解压了。She was released on instructions from the Foreign Ministry.遵照外交部的指示,她被释放了。He was let off with a caution.他受到口头警告后就被释放了。He was released after six months' imprisonment.六个月的监禁之后,他被释放了。The embassy official claimed diplomatic immunity and was later released.那名使馆官员申请外交豁免,随后被释放了。All the other hostages were finally set free.其他所有的人质最后都被释放了。Several political prisoners have been released through the intercession of Amnesty International.经大赦国际的斡旋,几名政治犯被释放了。They were outraged by the news of his release.被释放的消息让他们愤愤不平。The prisoner has been released for humanitarian reasons.出于人道主义原因那名囚犯被释放了。It was untrue to say that all political prisoners have been released.并不是所有政治犯都被释放了。Baker was discharged after the evidence against her was found to be flawed.由于对贝克不利的证据证实是错误的,因此她被释放Tom was freed and given safe-conduct to a neighbouring state.汤姆被释放并发给去邻州的安全通行证。The hostages were released as part of a swap for two spies.人质被释放以作为换取两名间谍的交易的一部分。Fowler was released after serving two-thirds of his sentence.福勒服满三分之二的刑期后被释放了。A dissident, recently released from detention, gave a press conference in the capital today.一名遭拘禁的持不同政见的人最近被释放,今天在首都举行了一个记者招待会。The hostages were today released from captivity.今天人质被释放了。The prisoner is subsequently freed.这名囚犯后来被释放Magee was set free but British authorities were asked to arrest him on sight.马吉被释放了,但是英国当局却被要求一见到他就立即逮捕。She held out the possibility of prisoners being released.她表示囚犯有被释放的可能。Heat is released into the atmosphere by cars.汽车产生的热量被释放到了大气中。The prisoner had hopes that he might be set free.这个囚犯抱有会被释放的希望。He was released on bail pending an appeal.他交保后被释放,等待上诉。It is not known how many of the people arrested in last Saturday's protests have been freed.上星期六抗议活动中被捕的人当中,有多少人已被释放仍不得而知。The judgment was in her favour and she was released from custody.判决于她有利,她被释放了。The hostages were released unharmed.人质被释放,未受到伤害。The prisoners were released from captivity.囚犯们被释放了。Victor is about to kill Jack, when Jack offers up Alexis in return for his release.维克托准备杀了杰克,杰克却提出以归还亚历克西斯来换取他被释放The embassy official claimed diplomatic immunity and was later released.那名使馆官员申请外交豁免,随后被释放The prisoner was questioned before his release.囚犯被释放之前受到了审问。When he was released, he was as nutty as a fruitcake.被释放时激动得不能自已。She prefers to stay in detention rather than be released and go into exile.她更愿意呆在拘留所而不是被释放然后开始流亡生活。When the war ended, Yvette was released.战争结束时,依薇特被释放了。We were finally released with a formal warning that we were henceforth barred from the base.在被正式警告今后不得进入基地后,我们最终被释放了。The slaves were turned loose to make their own way in life.奴隶们被释放了,让他们自己谋生。The prisoner was released, which in the court's opinion was wrong.这个犯人被释放了,而按法院的意见这是错误的。Because of his hard work and good attitude, he was unbound before his sentence was up.由于工作努力态度好,他刑满前就被释放了。Guerrilla fighters seized the hospital yesterday, taking patients and staff hostage, although several dozen were later released.昨天游击队员占领了那家医院,将病人和医务人员扣为人质,然而后来有几十名人质被释放Twelve US soldiers were released after a deal between the army and the guerillas.军队和游击队达成协议之后,十二名美国士兵被释放了。The three men were released on condition that they became police informants.这三个男人被释放了,条件是做警方的线人。




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