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词汇 被邀请
例句 Adams was not invited, and neither were any of his friends.亚当斯未被邀请,而且他的朋友也没有一个被邀请I was crushed that I wasn't invited.我因为没有被邀请而心烦意乱。When I was invited to the party, I readily accepted.被邀请参加聚会的时候,我一口答应了。I was usually invited to the musical soirees they regularly held.我常被邀请去参加他们定期举行的音乐晚会。Soon after, they were invited to start a concessionary store in Perth.不久以后,他们就被邀请在珀斯租场地开设一家商店。They crossed off the names of the people who had already been invited.他们划掉了那些已被邀请的人的名字。Not everyone who writes in can be invited for interview.并非每一个写来求职信的人都会被邀请参加面试。She was invited to autograph signings around the country.被邀请前往全国各地参加自传签名活动。Readers are invited to contribute their opinions on any of the issues discussed here.读者被邀请对这里讨论的任何话题发表意见。At the end of the meal Burgoyne was asked to propose a toast.用餐终了,伯戈因被邀请致祝酒词。All interested parties are invited to attend the meeting.所有当事人都被邀请来参加会议。I've been asked to give a paper on nuclear fission.被邀请做一个关于核裂变的讲座。He's always asked to these occasions by reason of his position.因为地位很高,他经常被邀请出席这些场合。He was invited to America several years ago but he let the chance slip.几年前他被邀请去美国,但他放过了那次机会。She seemed a bit pissed off that she hadn't been invited.她没有被邀请,似乎有些恼火。Several movie stars were invited to add a touch of glamour to the occasion.几位电影明星被邀请来为该活动增色。The priest is often invited to preside at the reception.牧师常被邀请来主持欢迎会。I've been invited to the premiere of the new Schliessman play.被邀请出席施利斯曼新戏的首演。All the local gentry were invited to the wedding.当地的所有显贵都被邀请参加婚礼。It was the first time I'd ever been invited to a ball.那是我第一次被邀请去参加舞会。I feel sure you'll be offered the headship.我坚信你会被邀请担任领导职务。Bids for the new bridge were invited from firms both at home and abroad.国内外公司都被邀请对承建该座新桥投标。Everyone will be invited to vote, he said, adding that voting is likely to be via the web.所有人都会被邀请来投票,他说,并且补充道,投票可能通过网络进行。Paul's delight at being asked to play the piano for us was clear.保罗被邀请为我们演奏钢琴,他的喜悦之情是显而易见的。The whole of the rowing club are invited to their wedding.划船俱乐部全体成员都被邀请去参加他们的婚礼。My cup ran over when I was asked to appear on television.被邀请上电视让我幸福感爆棚。It was quite noticeable that everyone had been invited except for Gail.很明显,除了盖尔,所有人都被邀请了。He was invited once but wasn't invited back.被邀请过一次,可是没被再次邀请。She was asked to take part in a TV debate on drugs.被邀请去参加一个关于毒品问题的电视辩论会。One person who won't be invited is that awful man who lives downstairs.一个不会被邀请的人就是住在楼下的那个极讨厌的家伙。The captain of the winning team was called forward to receive the cup.获胜队的队长被邀请站出来领取奖杯。Foreign oil companies were invited to bid for the right to explore for natural gas.外国石油公司被邀请投标争取勘探天然气的权利。The fact that he doesn't want to come is beside the point - he should have been invited.他不想来这并不重要——重要的是他本应被邀请的。She's been asked to sit in on the meetings.被邀请列席会议。




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