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词汇 disregard
例句 The boy's disregard of his studies led to his failure.这男孩因学习不用功而不及格。The jury was directed to disregard everything Robinson had said.陪审团受命对鲁滨逊所说的话不予考虑。He did it in disregard of my instructions.他无视我的指示,擅自干那事。The judge directed the jury to disregard several of the attorney's comments.法官要求陪审团不要考虑律师的一些评论。The judge instructed jurors to disregard this information.法官指示陪审员不要理会这一信息。Please disregard what I said before.请别在意我以前说的话。The oil companies had shown a total disregard for public opinion.石油公司根本不理会舆论。He showed a reckless disregard for the safety of others.他全然不顾别人的安危。You have shown a total disregard for the law and for public safety.你全然无视法律及公众安全。History is littered with men and women spurred into achievement by a father's disregard.历史上因为被父亲漠视而发奋成功的儿女数不胜数。Before you disregard his advice, keep/bear in mind that he is regarded as one of the leading experts in this field.你先别急着搁置他的建议,要知道他可是公认的该领域的权威专家之一。She acted with patent disregard for the rules.她的举止明显表现出对规则的漠视。He ordered the jury to disregard the witness's last statement.他命令陪审团对证人的最后一句话不予采信。The terrorists acted in complete/total disregard of human life.恐怖分子的行动毫不在乎人的生命。She shows a blithe disregard for danger.她对危险毫不在乎。Some students show a complete disregard for the rules of the school.有些学生毫不在乎学校的规章制度。He said the bombing was in complete disregard of the Geneva Convention.他说此次轰炸完全无视《日内瓦公约》。They eat huge quantities of sweet and fried foods, in wilful disregard of their health.他们固执地无视自己的健康,吃大量的甜食和油炸食品。She showed a reckless disregard for her own safety.她表现得很鲁莽,置自己的安危于不顾。He has shown a willful disregard for other people's feelings.对于他人的感受他故意置之不理。We were shocked at the callous disregard for human life.我们对这种无情地漠视他人生命的行为感到震惊。Critics say he allowed the police and security forces to disregard human rights.批评人士称,他放任警察和安全部队漠视人权。With a fine disregard for geography, she decided to drive to the island.她完全不考虑地理因素,决定开车去那个岛。It does so with blithe disregard for best scientific practice.没有考虑最科学的做法就轻率地这么做了。The judge said it would be inequitable to disregard the husband's misconduct.法官说,无视这个丈夫的不端行为将有失公允。The invasion of the small country was a disregard for a weaker people.入侵那个小国是对弱小民族的不尊重。Poison gas was used, in flagrant disregard of the Geneva Convention.他们公然违反《日内瓦公约》,使用了毒气。We cannot disregard his coming late to work so often.对他上班经常迟到,我们不能不管。The judge found that the Twitchells had acted with complete disregard for the safety of their son.法官发现特威切尔夫妇的行为完全无视儿子的安全。They have shown a ruthless disregard for basic human rights.他们冷酷地蔑视基本人权。Her disregard of this advice was ultimately fatal.她不听这个建议,结局是灾难性的。The terrorists showed a total disregard for human life.恐怖分子对人命全然不顾。He showed a wanton disregard for his friend's feelings.他对朋友的感受表现得漠不关心。He showed blithe disregard for the rights of others.他全然不顾他人的权利。The judge told him: "Your attitude shows a selfish disregard for others."法官告诉他:“你的态度表明你只想着自己而不顾他人。”The judge found that the statements were made with reckless disregard for/of the truth.法官发现这些陈述肆无忌惮地违背事实真相。Some students completely disregard the rules of the school.有些学生对学校的规章置若罔闻。He exhibited a brazen disregard for other people's feelings.他恬不知耻,无视他人感受。He is intimidated by her complete disregard for him.她完全不理会他,这使他感到害怕。He was a maverick with a healthy disregard for authority.他思想独立,不受权威所左右。




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