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词汇 dictated
例句 In the past, strategy was dictated by the head office.在过去,策略是由总部完全主导的。Success or failure is often dictated by the weather.成败常取决于天气。Convention dictated that dangerous physical action is the part of heroes, not heroines.惯例要求男主角做危险的身体动作,而不是女主角。Any development in the city center is dictated by the city's historic preservation laws.市中心的任何扩建发展都受该市的历史文物保护法所限制。He dictated too fast for the secretary to type.他口授速度太快,以致秘书打字跟不上。The teacher dictated a short poem to the class.教师让班上学生听写一首短诗。The massive publicity dictated a response from the city government.广泛的报道迫使市政府作出反应。I dictated my order over the phone.我通过电话口述了命令。Phillips dictated a memo to his secretary.菲利普斯向秘书口述备忘录。I resent being dictated to by someone with half my experience.我讨厌经验只有我一半的人对我发号施令。The police dictated where the large, noisy crowd should stand during the parade.警察指定在游行时那一大堆喧闹的人群应站的位置。Everything he dictated was signed and sent out the same day.他口授的所有内容都签上名在当天寄出了。He'll be his own man and won't be dictated to.他会变得独立自主,不再听别人发号施令。I won't be dictated to.我不会受人摆布。She refused to be dictated to by some stupid official in Washington.她拒绝听从华盛顿的某个愚蠢官员的命令。The film's budget dictated a tough schedule.影片的预算决定了拍摄进度会很紧张。The teacher dictated in English to the class.教师给班上学生做英语听写。This was not an easy decision. It is, however, a decision that we feel is dictated by our duty.这很难抉择。不过,我们觉得自己有义务作出决定。Our choice of activities will likely be dictated by the weather.我们选择何种活动很可能取决于天气。Afterwards he dictated a few letters to her.之后他对她口授了几封信。A country's choice of export products is dictated by geography, climate, and natural resources.一个国家出口什么样的产品由地理条件、气候条件及自然资源而定。The party's change of policy has been dictated by its need to win back younger voters.该党政策上的变化是由于需要赢回年轻选民的支持。The way in which they dress is dictated by very rigid fashion rules.他们的着装受到时尚规则的严格限制。I will not be dictated to like that!我不愿意那样受人摆布!Circumstances dictated that they played a defensive rather than attacking game.比赛形势决定了他们要打防守战而不是进攻战。The way we dress is dictated by convention.我们的穿着受习俗影响。Their choice was dictated by political circumstances.他们的选择受到政治环境的影响。He dictated the memorandum this morning and ordered his secretary to backdate it to yesterday.他今天早晨口授了那份备忘录,但吩咐秘书写上昨天的日期。




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