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This was not the time to take risks; he knew he should play it by the rule book.这不是冒险的时候;他明白他应该照章办事。My financial advisor is very straight - he does everything by the book.我的理财顾问是个很诚实的人—一他什么都照章办事。I'm sorry, madam, but we have to go by the rules.对不起,女士,但是我们必须照章办事。The Prime Minister is playing the game, like, well, a gentleman.首相照章办事,嗯,颇有绅士风度。He knew he should play it by the rule book.他明白他应该照章办事。Police must always go completely by the book when making arrests.警察在逮捕犯人的时候必须永远完全照章办事。The police were careful to do everything by the book.警方很小心,一切都照章办事。My boss insists on doing everything by the book.我的老板坚持一切照章办事。Obviously we are disappointed but the committee could do nothing less than stick to the rules.我们显然很失望,但委员会只能照章办事,别无他法。Mr Smith was obstructive and refused to follow correct procedure.史密斯先生故意刁难,就是不肯照章办事。 |