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词汇 照看孩子
例句 Would you like me to do any babysitting?您需要我帮忙照看孩子吗?Since she'd offered to babysit, I took her up on it.她既然主动提出帮助照看孩子,我也就同意了。Both women had hired illegal aliens for childcare.两个女人都曾雇过非法入境者照看孩子We had a great setup. On my days off, my wife would work from home while I took care of the kids.我们有很好的安排。在我的休息日,我太太在家中上班,我照看孩子It's all right for you - your mum takes care of the children whenever you want.你当然不用担心。你妈妈随叫随到,帮你照看孩子Who's watching the children while the parents are on vacation?父母度假期间,谁来照看孩子们? Mary will keep an eye on the kids this afternoon.玛丽今天下午会照看孩子You can take it in turns to babysit.你们可以轮流代人照看孩子I'd be glad to watch the kids for you this afternoon.今天下午我很乐意为你照看孩子Of course we'll look after your kids, providing you can drop them off at our house, that is.我们当然可以给你照看孩子,不过你得用车把他们送到我们家来。I could see you'd want a hand with the children.我能看出你需要有人帮着照看孩子She offered her services as a babysitter.她主动提出帮忙照看孩子I was just going round to see Lindsey about babysitting.我刚要去琳赛家谈照看孩子的事情。The babysitter said she could hear someone prowling around in the garden.照看孩子的人说她听见花园里有人在蹑足走动。I can't afford a nanny.我请不起保姆照看孩子She spends most of her time looking after the kids.她大部分时间都花在照看孩子上了。I'd be only too pleased to look after the kids for you.我非常愿意帮你照看孩子As a teacher's aide, I help watch the children and run errands for the teacher.作为老师的助手,我帮着照看孩子,给老师跑跑腿。Society undervalues staying home and looking after children.社会不太重视呆在家里照看孩子这些事。Her parents could help with child care while she works.她工作时父母可以帮忙照看孩子Any time you want a babysitter, dear, you only have to ask.亲爱的,你什么时候需要人帮忙照看孩子,只要开口说一声就行。I wouldn't say Tom was exactly a new man - he just enjoys looking after kids more than I do.我觉得汤姆并不完全算得上是新派男人,他只不过是比我更喜欢照看孩子I'll ask my mother to babysit.我要请我母亲来临时照看孩子She's always willing to babysit, but I don't want to take advantage of her good nature.她总愿意来照看孩子,可是我不想利用她的好心肠。If you ever need a babysitter, I'd be happy to oblige.如果你什么时候需要找人照看孩子,我很乐意帮忙。He wants to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is overdoing it a bit.他想辞去工作,在家照看孩子。而她却觉得这样做有些过头。He offered his services as a babysitter during the party.聚会期间,他主动帮忙照看孩子Could you look after the children while I cook lunch?我做午饭时你照看孩子好吗?In exchange for looking after the children, Annie has all her meals paid for and receives a small monthly allowance.安妮照看孩子的报酬是三餐免费和每月一小笔津贴。I have to look after the children.我必须照看孩子们。She is developing a nice little sideline in babysitting for friends.她帮朋友照看孩子,慢慢成了个不错的小副业。Arranging childcare over the school holidays can be a real conundrum for working parents.对双职工家长来说,学校放假期间如何安排照看孩子是个大难题。Both women had hired illegal aliens for child care.两个女人都曾雇过非法入境者照看孩子Jenny sat for us last Friday evening when we went to the movies.上星期五晚上我们去看电影时,珍妮替我们照看孩子I babysit every Friday to give her a break.每周五我都负责照看孩子,好给她一点休息的时间。She watches the kids for us occasionally.她偶尔会替我们照看孩子Children should be wanted and planned.应当好好照看孩子,并为他们规划一生。She asked me if I'd mind the children for an hour while she went shopping.她问我她去买东西时我能否照看孩子们一个小时。The odds are that we won't get a baby-sitter.很可能我们找不到照看孩子的人。She babysits their kids on Saturday nights.她每个周六晚上都帮他们照看孩子




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