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例句 You can rest assured that your children are in good hands.你完全可以放心,你的孩子有可靠的人照看Trying to keep track of all those little kids at the same time must be pretty nerve-wracking.同时要照看这么多小孩子一定是很伤脑筋的事。He felt he had a duty to look after his father's business.他觉得自己有责任照看父亲的生意。We discussed the difficulties of child care of twins or triplets for working mothers.我们讨论了职业母亲照看双胞胎或三胞胎的困难。Can you dog-sit for me this weekend?这个周末你能帮我照看一下小狗吗?He asked me and the wife to keep an eye on the place for them.他让我和我那口子帮他们照看一下这个地方。I looked after my father after he had a stroke.父亲中风后,由我照看他。He can't cope and dumps his two teenage boys on them to be looked after.他应付不过来,只能将他那两个十多岁的儿子交给他们代为照看Her husband was forced to employ a carer to look after his son Daniel.她丈夫被迫请了一个看护来照看儿子丹尼尔。He could not do anything more than what he promised — namely, to look after Charlotte's estate.他只能做到自己答应做的事,那就是照看夏洛蒂的产业。I left him in your care – you should have watched him!我把他托付给你照看,你本该看好他的!Sarah's little charges were not very well behaved.萨拉照看的小孩子们不太听话。Mothers who work part-time are able to mind other people's children when they are not working.兼职工作的母亲能够在不上班的时候照看别人的孩子。Spanish law gives the father equal claim, irrespective of which parent is the main carer.西班牙法律赋予孩子的父亲同等权利,不管父母双方谁是孩子的主要照看人。The hotel used to offer a baby-sitting service, but no one ever used it.这家旅店以前有照看小孩的服务,可从来没人使用过。Taking care of his sister's children was a crash course in parenting for him.照看他姐姐的孩子对他来说就是一个育儿速成培训。His two kids are being baby-sat by his mother.他的两个孩子正由他母亲代为照看Karl will take care of the house while we're on vacation.我们去度假的时候,卡尔会照看房子。I'll be out of the office for a few hours - will you hold the fort until I get back?我要离开办公室几小时——你能在我回来之前替我照看一下吗?We left our dog with the neighbors while we went on vacation.我们去度假时,把狗托付给邻居照看Will you keep an eye on things here until I get back?你能在我回来前替我照看一下这边的事情吗?Looking after her grandchildren seemed to be her whole raison d'être.照看孙子好像成为了她生活的全部内容。My daughter loves taking care of children. If she can earn money by doing it, so much the better!我女儿喜欢照看小孩。如果她能靠这个赚点钱,那就更好了!She hurried away to pour more coffee and tend to the grill.她匆忙走开,去添加咖啡和照看烤架。See after my gubbins, will you?替我照看我的坛坛罐罐好吗?Would you keep an eye on my baby for a while?请你照看一下我的婴儿好吗? People in my family have always watched out for one another.我们家的人一直以来都是相互照看Mrs Coxen was aided in looking after the children by her niece.考克森太太有她侄女帮她一起照看小孩。If a woman gives up her job to look after her baby, she will risk losing her salary in the medium-term and may seriously damage her long-term career prospects.如果一个女人放弃工作去照看宝宝,她不但将面临在中期内领不到薪水的危险,而且有可能严重影响她事业的长期发展。Caring for an elderly relative can become an intolerable burden.照看年老的亲戚可能成为无法承受的重负。Does Jake go to a nursery or a childminder?杰克是去托儿所还是由家庭保育员照看Will you please see after my luggage while I'm away?我走开时请你帮我照看一下行李好吗? Most of the old people help out with the grandchildren.大多数老年人帮助照看孙儿孙女。They asked a friend to house-sit their apartment for them while they were away.他们外出期间请一个朋友代为照看房子。Can you babysit for us Friday night?星期五晚上你能帮我们照看一下孩子吗?It is normal for a mother to want to take care of her own baby.母亲想要照看自己的宝宝很正常。The counselors will gladly babysit during their free time.空闲时这些顾问也会乐意照看一下孩子。I just can't be bothered to look after the house.我就是不想费事照看这所房子。The baby needs constant supervision.宝宝时刻都要有人照看The child was trusted to my care.这个孩子交由我照看了。




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