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词汇 dice
例句 You can slice and dice the data any way you want.你可以随意分解这些数据。When you get a total of 5 points it's your turn to throw the dice.你总分达到五分时就轮到你扔骰子了。Opening a new restaurant is always a roll of the dice.开新餐馆总是有风险的。I asked if we could go to the party, but Mom said no dice.我问我们可不可以参加聚会,妈妈说不行。Capping costs serves only to load the dice even further against the injury victim.给费用定上限等于给伤者伤口上撒盐。We need two dice to play the game.玩这个游戏我们需要两个骰子。He asked for more money but she said no dice to him.他要求多给点钱,她对他说不行。He was willing to bet his entire fortune on a roll of the dice.他愿意将全部家产押在掷一次骰子上。He came out on top after a last-lap dice with the Ferrari.他与那辆法拉利在最后一圈进行了近距离追逐,最终胜出。He gambled away his family estate on a single throw of the dice.他一把就输掉了家族地产。He claims that he lost the money on a dice game.他说他是玩掷骰游戏输了钱的。It's a roll of the dice whether we succeed or fail.我们的成败只能靠运气了。The dice are loaded in their favour.形势对他们有利。They are in the back shooting craps/dice.他们在后面玩双骰赌博/掷骰子。You decide who's going to start by throwing the dice.通过掷骰子来决定谁先开始。Peel and dice the potatoes.把土豆去皮并切成丁。The roll of the dice went against them.掷出的骰子对他们不利。Each player throws the dice in turn.每个玩家轮流掷骰子。The number of spots showing if two dice are thrown is a random variable.掷出两颗骰子所得的点数为随机变量。We received information that would load the dice in favor of our arguments.我们得到了有利于我们观点的信息。You cannot decide your future on the cast of a dice.你不能用掷骰子决定自己的未来。In this game, each player rolls the dice to see who plays first.在这个游戏中,每位参加者都要掷色子来决定谁先玩。We hoped that tickets would still be available, but no dice, they were all sold.我们希望还有票,但是没用,票都卖完了。Everything depends on a throw of the dice.一切都靠掷骰子决定。You move forward according to the number on the dice.根据骰子上的数字往前走。The dice were loaded against them but they still managed to win.形势对他们不利,但是他们仍然努力取得了胜利。It's your turn to roll the dice.该你掷骰子了。He was caught using a pair of loaded dice. 他用一对灌铅骰子耍诈时被人逮住了。He gave a shake of the dice.他把骰子摇了摇。A throw of the dice allows a player to move himself forward.掷一次骰子,玩家可相应向前移动。You decide who will go first by the roll of the dice.你们通过掷骰子决定谁先出。According to Einstein, God does not play dice with the universe.据爱因斯坦所说,上帝不掷骰子。She shook the dice and threw them on the table.她摇了摇色子,掷到桌上。The dice are loaded against them.形势对他们不利。The glass will dice when it implodes.这种玻璃每当向内破裂时会成细粒。They decided to roll the dice and start their own business.他们决定碰碰运气,开始自己创业。He scooped the dice off the table and rolled again.他快速从桌上捡起骰子又掷了出去。Throws of the dice allows a player to move himself forward.掷骰子后,玩家可相应向前移动。The dice are loaded against black people.对黑人不公平。Peel, stone and dice the mango.将芒果削皮、去核、切丁。




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