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词汇 descended
例句 He descended from an ancient stem.他出身于一个古老的家系。The stairs descended into the tunnel.楼梯向下通入地道。One day depression descended upon him, and wherever he went after that he could never throw it off.有一天,他突然开始消沉起来,从那以后,无论他走到哪儿也摆脱不了这种情绪。As night descended, the campers built a fire.夜幕降临,露营者生起了火。We descended to the cellar.我们下到了地窖中。A frenzy of spin-doctors descended on me, offering every imaginable aid.大批媒体顾问突然来访,要为我提供所有能想象到的帮助。Orpheus descended into the underworld to look for Eurydice.俄耳甫斯下到地狱去寻找欧律狄刻。They descended from the plane into a forest of microphones and cameras.他们从飞机上走下来,迎接他们的是数不清的麦克风和照相机。A pall of embarrassment descended on the room.整个房间被尴尬的气氛所笼罩。The breed is almost directly descended from the Eurasian wild boar.这一品种几乎是欧亚野猪的直系后代。Ravenous grasshoppers descended on the rangelands in the worst infestation since World War II.贪吃的蝗群飞落在放牧地上,造成第二次世界大战以来最厉害的一次蝗灾。An air of gloom descended over the party headquarters.一片阴郁的气氛笼罩着该党总部。He claims that he is descended from a royal line.他声称自己是皇室后裔。They descended from the platform.他们从平台上走下来。Letters of application descended on them like snowflakes.申请信件像雪片似地向他们飞来。An uneasy calm descended on the village.一种令人不安的平静笼罩了这个村庄。Crowds of tourists descended on the tiny church.一群群的游客突然来造访这座小教堂。A reverent hush descended on the multitude.人群虔敬地噤了声。People of all professions and persuasions descended on the city.三教九流的人们都向这座城市蜂拥而来。Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky.夜幕现在已经降临,晴朗的天空里月影婆娑,星光朦胧。He argued that man was descended from apes.他论证人类的祖先是猿。Her mother's family are descended from the Grant clan.她母亲家是格兰特家族的后裔。Calm descended once again on the village as the last coach left.最后一辆长途大客车开走了,村庄再次复归宁静。Peace descended once more on the little town.平静再一次降临小镇。We descended into JFK through thick cloud cover.我们穿过厚厚的云层降落到肯尼迪机场。We sat and watched as the gloom descended.我们坐在那里看夜色慢慢降临。He is descended from Confucius.他是孔子的后裔。The situation descended into utter chaos.局势完全陷入一片混乱之中。By the end of his life, Presley's vocals often descended close to self-parody.在人生的最后阶段,猫王普雷斯利的歌曲大不如前,通常近乎于自我嘲弄。Total silence descended.万籁俱寂。A breathless hush descended on the throng.人群忽然陷入了令人屏息的静寂之中。A herd of goats descended into the valley.一群山羊下到山谷里去了。A plague of journalists descended on the town.一大群记者来到镇上。Bob and his girl friend descended on us for the weekend.鲍伯和他女友突然来我家过周末。Many of the plantation owners were descended from American missionaries.许多种植园主都是美国传教士的后裔。Silence descended upon the crowd. 人群安静了下来。She's directly descended from Charles Dickens.她是查尔斯·狄更斯的直系后裔。She always claimed her family was descended from the ancient Kings of Egypt.她一直声称她们家族是古埃及王室的后裔。A hail of arrows descended from the tower.从塔楼射下一阵箭雨。The estate descended to her from her grandparents. 这笔遗产是她祖父母传给她的。




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