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词汇 黑人
例句 There has to be fairness and justice for black people before you can achieve a spirit of interracial harmony.若想达到种族和睦,就必须平等公正地对待黑人The riots were caused by Whites attacking Blacks.这些骚乱是由白人袭击黑人引起的。When he began his musical career, King played only for black audiences.金刚开始从事他的音乐事业时只为黑人观众演奏。For the first time since abolition, black and white women made steps toward interracial cooperation.奴隶制废除后,黑人和白人妇女首次尝试种族间合作。Jackie Robinson overcame racial prejudice to become the first black baseball player in the Major leagues.杰基·罗宾逊战胜了种族偏见,成为职业棒球大联盟里第一位黑人选手。Corn bread, black-eyed peas, ham hocks, and sweet potato pie are all soul food.玉米面包、黑眼豆、猪蹄和甜薯饼都是美国南方黑人传统食品。Although there is no overt hostility, black and white students do not mix much.虽然黑人学生与白人学生之间没有公开的敌意,但他们也不怎么来往。Legal segregation may be gone, but the idea of segregation survives, as middle class black families shun white areas, preferring to live in suburbs of their own.法律上的种族隔离也许是不存在了,但种族隔离的观念仍未消失,黑人中产阶级家庭会避开白人住宅区,宁愿住在自己人聚居的郊区。During the Depression many impoverished Negroes wrote policy in the hopes of winning sufficient money to feed their families.在大萧条时期,许多穷困的黑人经营抽彩赌博,以期赢得足够的钱来养家糊口。There are almost no black students at the college.这所大学里几乎没有黑人学生。Being Black, he had to endure the taunts of his classmates.因为是黑人,他不得不忍受他同学的奚落。After the assassination of Martin Luther King, black leaders became more militant.马丁·路德·金遇刺后,黑人领袖变得更为激进了。It has been argued that American society castrates black men.有人辩称美国社会让黑人男性失去了男子气概。Because the Black community has long experience with civil rights issues, other minority groups may follow its lead.黑人群体对民权问题经验丰富,其他少数民族团体可能会仿效。The black boy is hopeful that injustices will be corrected by his generation.黑人孩子希望非正义的行为将为他这一代人所纠正。Blacks were segregated from whites in schools.在学校里,黑人与白人是分开的。Are black defendants disproportionately likely to be wrongfully convicted?黑人被告被误判有罪的比例更高吗?The day will finally come when a woman or a black man is elected president of the United States.终有一天哪位女性或黑人会当选为美国总统。The police haven't really done anything for the black community in particular.警方其实并没有特别为黑人群体做些什么。He compared the situation of black college basketball players to the plantation. 他把大学里黑人篮球运动员的现状比作种植园奴隶的处境。Some people find his novels offensive because of the stereotypical black people he portrays.有些人觉得他的小说有冒犯意味,因为他笔下的黑人是老套的模式。Later that day, whites retaliated by killing a young black delivery driver.那天稍后白人出手报复,杀了一个年轻的黑人送货司机。He was a champion for Latinos and blacks within the educational system.他一直致力于在教育系统内为美籍拉美人和黑人争取权益。Middle class blacks in the US have not yet achieved parity with whites in graduate school entries.美国中产阶级黑人在研究生院入学方面还未取得与白人同等的机会。Five out of the ten top role models for British teenagers are black.英国十大青少年楷模中有一半都是黑人White jazz seemed old and intellectual, whereas black jazz was vital, swinging, instinctive.白人爵士乐似乎老派而理智,而黑人爵士乐则生气勃勃、节奏强劲、浑然天成。The bill seeks to remedy a historic injustice in which blacks were deprived of their right to own land.这项法案试图纠正黑人被剥夺了土地所有权这一历史性的不公正现象。During the civil war, he led a black regiment of freed slaves.在内战期间,他领导了一群被解放的黑人奴隶。Bill Bradley says too much is going unsaid between blacks and whites.比尔·布莱德利说黑人和白人之间有太多没有明说的东西。He is seen by the black nations at the an ambassador for blackness.他被参加联合国的黑人国家看作黑人民族自豪感的代表。Homicide is the leading cause of death among black men.谋杀是黑人死亡的主要原因。The president is in touch with the pulse of the black community.总统了解黑人群体的感受。He was the man who epitomized black resistance to the colonial government.他代表着黑人对殖民政府的反抗。Members of extreme right wing parties are completely opposed to the integration of blacks into white South African society.极端右翼党派的成员完全反对让黑人融入南非的白人社会。Young Negroes will never accept Tomism.年轻的黑人们决不会接受汤姆叔叔主义。Few blacks went to the polls.几乎没有黑人去投票选举。The level of violence in black townships was increasing again.黑人居住区的暴力等级再次上升。He says the new legislation will guarantee fairness for blacks in Georgia.他说这项新立法将保证佐治亚州的黑人受到公平对待。In Jamaica black and white people have lived together in racial harmony for many years.在牙买加,黑人和白人多年来一直和谐共处。The town she grew up in had a colored church and a white church. 在她长大的那个镇子里,有一个黑人教堂和一个白人教堂。




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