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词汇 鲑鱼
例句 We dined on salmon and strawberries.我们那顿饭吃的是鲑鱼和草莓。At the reception they served smoked salmon.在招待会上,他们供应熏制鲑鱼Salted salmon was kept in brine casks.鲑鱼被保存在卤水桶里。Thousands of young salmon and trout have been killed by pollution.成千上万条鲑鱼和鳟鱼的幼鱼因污染而死亡。The salmon is already gutted and filleted.鲑鱼已经取出内脏并切成片了。It's a bit like salmon.它与鲑鱼有些相似。That salmon dish was a success, wasn't it?那盘鲑鱼烧得好极了,不是吗?Have salmon or other fatty fish more often.多吃一点鲑鱼或其他含脂肪的鱼。Catches of Scottish salmon have declined significantly.苏格兰鲑鱼的捕获量显著下降。Boys pulled salmon from a teeming river.男孩们从盛产鱼的河里捉鲑鱼Might I suggest a white wine with your salmon, sir?我建议来一杯白葡萄酒配您的鲑鱼吧,先生?Salmon spawn in late summer or fall.鲑鱼在夏末或秋季产卵。Pacific salmon swim to their spawning grounds in Alaskan rivers.太平洋鲑鱼游回它们在阿拉斯加河流里的产卵地。We saw a few salmon jumping in the waterfall there.我们看到那边瀑布里几条鲑鱼在跳。At dinner, Mrs. Carothers served up poached salmon and filled our glasses with white wine.晚餐时卡罗瑟斯太太端上水煮鲑鱼,并给我们的杯子斟满了白葡萄酒。That river abounds with salmon.那条河里多鲑鱼Our fish special tonight is salmon in a lemon-cream sauce.我们今晚的特色鱼是柠檬奶油沙司鲑鱼Rely on speed, not strength, when striking your trout.钩住上钩的鲑鱼,靠的是动作快,不是靠用力猛。Mix in the salmon and serve.拌入鲑鱼后端上桌。I was very excited when I caught a salmon.我抓到一条鲑鱼时非常兴奋。I'm sorry, sir, the salmon is off.先生,很抱歉,鲑鱼卖完了。The results prove that regulation of the salmon farming industry is inadequate.结果证明对鲑鱼饲养行业的管理不够完善。These trout are beautifully marked with bright red spots.这些鲑鱼身上有鲜红色的斑点,非常漂亮。I like fish in general, and salmon in particular.一般说来我喜欢吃鱼,尤其是鲑鱼Place the salmon in a nonstick metallic dish.鲑鱼放在不粘底的金属盘内。The salmon swim upriver to spawn.鲑鱼逆流而上去产卵。Salmon farmers are warning of the severe crisis facing the industry.鲑鱼养殖场主提醒说本行业正面临严重危机。Salmon return to these waters to spawn.鲑鱼洄游到这些水域产卵。The rivers were rich in salmon and pike.这些河流里盛产鲑鱼和狗鱼。I'd like to order the salmon, please.我想点鲑鱼The salmon fight their way back up the river to spawn.鲑鱼奋力回游到河里产卵。Aquascot is farming salmon organically.阿奎斯科特正在养殖有机鲑鱼The guests drank champagne, and dined on caviar and salmon.客人们喝的是香槟,吃的是鱼子酱和鲑鱼We had fresh salmon to start the meal.我们用鲜鲑鱼作头一道菜。The salmon would begin reproducing naturally.鲑鱼将开始自然繁殖。They dined off salmon, quail, and fruit.他们正餐吃的是鲑鱼、鹌鹑肉和水果。




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