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She grinds her teeth in her sleep.她睡觉时磨牙。There are several different grinds of coffee.有好几种不同等级的磨制咖啡。He grinds his teeth in his sleep.他睡觉时磨牙。He grinds out a new novel every year.每年他都生拼硬凑地出一部新小说。She has a set of chef's knives that she grinds every week.她有一套厨房用刀具,每个星期都磨一次。The machine grinds grain into flour.这台机器把谷物磨成粉。A data-processing computer grinds out decisions after computing the imformation.数据处理计算机对信息进行计算后作出判定。The steel grinds to a sharp edge.这把刀磨出了锋利的刃。 |