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词汇 grind
例句 The grind of heavy machines could get on their nerves.重型机械的碾磨声会使他们心神不定。Typically, bloggers have axes to grind.通常来说,写博客的人都有自己的观点要表达。I have to grind the knife; it is blunt.我得磨刀;它钝了。She did not find housework a grind.她不觉得干家务活很累。I need a break from the daily grind.我需要告别每日单调的工作,休息一下。Both senators were from the other party and had other axes to grind.两位参议员都属于另一个党,都有其他自私的目的。He has no axe to grind over this question.在这个问题上他没有私心。Store the peppercorns in an airtight container and grind the pepper as you need it.将胡椒粒储存在密封容器中,在需要的时候磨成粉。He managed to grind out a few lines.他搜肠刮肚勉强写了几句诗。Having to type up my handwritten work was a real grind.还得把手写的作业打出来,这让我叫苦不迭。There are people who want to humiliate you and grind you down.有一些人会想要让你难堪,欺负你。The economy continues to grind along.经济缓慢增长。Don't let those bleeders grind you down.别让那些混蛋欺压你。You'll get more flavour from the spices if you grind them into a powder.你把香料磨成粉的话味道会更香浓。After you grind the coffee, use a funnel to pour it into the jar.磨好咖啡后,用漏斗将其倒入罐中。The grind of heavy machines could get on their nerves.重型机器发出的刺耳的摩擦声会让他们心烦意乱。They then began the long grind of revision.然后他们开始了漫长而辛苦的修订工作。Shall I grind a little black pepper over your salad?要不要我磨一点黑胡椒粉给你撒在色拉上?It's what you and I might call a grind, someone who is overly assiduous in hitting the books.这是个你我都会称之为刻苦用功的学生,读书极其认真勤勉。You'll need a pestle and mortar to grind the spices.你需要一个杵和臼来研磨香料。Hans finds learning Chinese a grind.汉斯觉得学习汉语是件苦事。I'm not going to let them grind me down.我不会被他们弄得意志消沉。The daily grind of government is done by Her Majesty's Civil Service.政府的日常琐事由女王陛下的行政部门负责。He seems like a decent bloke and I've got no axe to grind with him.他看上去像是个正派的家伙,我对他没有什么不满。The bones begin to grind against each other, leading to pain and deformity.这些骨头开始互相挤压,造成疼痛和畸形。Life continues to be a terrible grind for the ordinary person.生活对于平头百姓而言依然是理不清的琐事。I find the journey to work a real grind.我觉得上班路上很辛苦。In college he had a reputation as a grind who never went to parties.上大学时他以书呆子闻名,从不参加派对。The relentless grind of hard labour and ill-health had taken its toll on Booth.没完没了的苦活重活加上身体不好已对布思造成极大损害。He had a political ax to grind with his opponent.他在政治上对自己的对手别有用心。The wheel of history will grind down anyone who flagged.历史的车轮会压垮一切企图阻止它前进的人。I've never let male colleagues grind me down.我从来都没有让男同事欺负过我。He uses a special tool to grind away the stone.他用专门的工具打磨石头。Without more money, work on the project will soon grind to a halt. 没有更多的资金,这个项目很快将会停工。There are people who want to humiliate you and grind you into the dust.有些人想羞辱你,把你榨干。The group claimed that it had no axe to grind.该组织声称没有别的企图。They grind the tablets and use the powder for injections.他们把药片碾成粉末用于注射。She claims that she has no ax to grind in criticizing the proposed law.她声称她批评那个法律提案没有任何私心。To make patties, you first need to grind the meat.做肉饼时,首先要把肉切碎。Earthworms grind up the soil as they eat.蚯蚓进食时把土壤弄得稀松。




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