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词汇 grinding
例句 I admire their spirit in the face of such grinding tedium.我钦佩他们面对这种无休止的枯燥乏味所表现出的精神。The vehicle lurched to a stop, gears grinding again.车子猛地一蹿停住,变速箱又在嘎嘎作响了。As long as you keep grinding, you're going to get your goals.只要你坚持苦干,就一定能达到目标。The traffic was grinding along the streets.车流沿着街道缓缓移动。He makes his own paint, grinding up the pigment with a little oil.他就着几滴油磨了些颜料,自己制油彩。The economy seems to be grinding to a halt.经济似乎渐渐停滞下来。This food processor has a special attachment for grinding coffee.这个食品加工器附有一个专门用来研磨咖啡的装置。We were grinding away in the library for weeks.我们在图书馆里埋头苦学了好几个星期。She kept grinding the car's gears.她总是把汽车排挡磨得嘎嘎作响。I could hear the gears grinding.我能听见排挡摩擦发出的刺耳声。Best surface finish is provided by machining methods, especially by grinding.用机械加工方法,特别是用磨削方法,可以获得最佳表面光洁度。She heard the sound of his teeth grinding as he fought the pain.她听到他忍受疼痛时牙齿咬得嘎嘎响。There are signs that the economy is grinding to a halt.有迹象表明经济在趋于停滞。Were it not for this misfortune, he might never have been forced into the business of grinding out novels to support his family.要不是因为这一不幸变故,他可能永远都不会迫于无奈地开始流水线式创作小说养家糊口。These huge stones were once used for grinding wheat into flour.这些大石头以前是用来碾磨面粉的。Frank just keeps grinding out detective stories.弗兰克不停地大量撰写侦探小说。Their grandfather had left his village in order to escape the grinding poverty.为了摆脱贫困的煎熬,他们的祖父离开了村子。Then, with a horrendous grinding of gears, we bounced away.然后,在一阵尖利刺耳的推拉排挡声中,我们驾车猛冲而去。The grinding wheel sent out a shower of sparks.砂轮扬起一阵火星。It was a case of gritting teeth and grinding out a result.这是个咬紧牙关、努力取得成果的例子。He required caps on his teeth because he was grinding them.他要求装牙冠,因为他磨牙。A car will come to a grinding halt if you put water in the petrol tank.如果你在油箱中加水的话,汽车会突然停下来。The blaze was accidentally ignited by a grinding tool.大火是由一件磨削工具意外引起的。This way of grinding corn is peculiar to North American Indians.这种碾磨谷物的方法是北美印第安人所特有的。Teeth grinding at night can disturb your partner's sleep.晚上磨牙会影响你伴侣的睡眠。The grinding wheel sent a shower of sparks across the workbench.砂轮迸出的火花直落到工作台的另一端。He is grinding away for the examination.他正在拼命用功准备考试。The strike brought the capital city to a grinding halt.罢工使首都渐渐陷入瘫痪。Just grinding on for hours gets dreary.就这么磨磨蹭蹭了几个小时,让人乏味无聊。At last the engine started up with a grinding whirr.引擎刺耳地嗡嗡响着,终于启动了。The project came to a grinding halt.这个项目停工了。With Stone sweating up on the halyards and Melissa grinding the sheet winch, they hoisted sail.斯通费力地弄着升降索,梅利莎摇着帆脚索手柄,他们两人把帆升了起来。The car engine was making a strange grinding noise.汽车发动机发出一种奇怪的摩擦声音。Most of the population lives in grinding poverty.大多数的人口生活贫困。The mill can be seen grinding wheat.能看见磨粉机在碾磨小麦。If you know you're grinding your teeth, particularly at night, see your dentist.如果你知道自己在磨牙,尤其是在夜间,你应该去看看牙医。I'm grinding away at this mundane assignment.我正在埋头完成这个单调的任务。A truck came grinding up the hill.卡车嘎嘎响着慢慢驶上了山。A transport strike brought the capital to a grinding halt.交通系统的罢工使首都完全陷入了瘫痪状态。




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