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词汇 depressive
例句 Women in particular are prey to depressive illness.女人特别容易患抑郁症。He had suffered a severe depressive episode.他经历过一段重度抑郁期。He's no longer a depressive character.他不再是一个抑郁的人。Her mother is a manic-depressive.她母亲患有躁狂抑郁症。Manic depressive illness affects men and women equally.男人和女人患狂躁抑郁症的概率相等。He takes medicine to control his manic-depressive behavior.他靠吃药来控制躁狂抑郁症行为。Lithium salts reduce depressive symptoms.锂盐可以缓解抑郁症的症状。Usually the last person to recognize they are ill is the depressive themself.通常最不愿意承认自己有病的是抑郁症患者本人。He was diagnosed as a manic-depressive.他被诊断为躁狂抑郁症患者。Cocaine and alcohol, one a stimulative, the other a depressive.可卡因和酒精,一个是兴奋剂,另一个是抑制剂。Her mother is a manic depressive.她的母亲是一名狂躁抑郁症患者。She told them that her daughter-in-law was a manic-depressive.她告诉他们说她儿媳是个躁狂抑郁症患者。Manic-depressive illness affects men and women equally.男女患躁狂抑郁症的几率均等。Her brother is a manic-depressive.他的哥哥是躁狂抑郁性精神病患者。He was a manic-depressive whose periods coincided with the full moon.他是躁狂抑郁病患者,每逢满月就发病。It's a depressive condition caused by light deprivation.这是一个由于光线不足而令人压抑的环境。




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