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词汇 骇人
例句 The destruction wrought by the fire was appalling.这场火灾造成的破坏是骇人的。The price tag on dissent can be awfully high.因为意见不一而付出的代价有时会高得骇人They committed the most awful atrocities.他们犯下了骇人的暴行。Reports were starting to filter out of Baghdad about the horrendous conditions in Iraq's jails.有关伊拉克监狱骇人状况的报道开始从巴格达传出。There had followed a nightmare procession along the sewer for several miles.沿着下水道延绵几英里接连发生了骇人的事件。Agricultural open space is disappearing at an alarming rate.耕地面积在以骇人的速度消失。It was a very unpleasant and frightening attack.那是一次非常恶劣且骇人的攻击。The sound was terrifying to him, but he had no time to look about him.那声音听上去很骇人,但他无暇往四下看一看。His mind reeled when he heard the terrible news.听到那骇人的消息,他只觉得一阵眩晕。The ski lifts were swaying alarmingly from side to side.上山吊椅骇人地左右摇晃着。The other car closed the gap between them with frightening speed.另一辆车以骇人的速度驶入它们之间的空隙。I can't afford this outrageous price.我出不起这么骇人的天价。Brand was a cruel and intimidating man who abused his children and his wife.布兰德虐待自己的妻儿,是个残忍骇人的家伙。This terrible crime has shocked all law-abiding citizens.这桩骇人的罪行震惊了所有守法的公民。The judge said he had committed atrocious crimes against women.法官说他对妇女犯下了骇人的罪行。The chilling facts behind this veil of silence were slow to emerge.沉默背后的骇人真相慢慢显露出来。The murders are recounted in gruesome detail.这些谋杀案的骇人细节都叙述得很清楚。The injustice was terrible. There seemed to be no bottom to it.不公正的情况实在骇人,而且看上去没完没了。He described gruesome details about the strangulation.他描述了骇人的勒杀细节。The film contained harrowing scenes of starving children.这部电影有一些描写饥饿儿童的骇人镜头。I just hope the people who committed this monstrous evil will be able to live with themselves.我只希望做出这种骇人恶行的人将来不会良心不安。This phenomenon is not as outrageous as it seems.这种现象并不像它看上去那样骇人Refugees on the border are living in appalling conditions with desperate shortages of food, medicine and water.边境上的难民生活条件骇人,食物、药品和水严重短缺。Don't let the children see such horrifying scenes.不要让孩子们看到如此骇人的景象。Some critics have read into the more macabre scenes a subconscious hatred of his parents.有些评论家从那些较骇人的场面牵强附会地认为这反映出他潜意识中对父母的怨恨。We aim to prevent wild animals from suffering terrible cruelty.我们的目的是阻止野生动物遭受骇人暴行的荼毒。The numbers of the victims are staggering.受害者人数多得骇人The film is peopled with monstrocities.这部影片通篇都是骇人的鬼怪。As he fell, he let out a frightful scream.他摔倒时发出了一声骇人的尖叫。Yes, the bank keep piling these outrageous charges on my bank account with great regularity.是呀,银行经常会从我的账户里收取这些骇人的费用。The trees cast long, scary shadows in the evening light.树在夜晚的灯光下投下骇人的长影。He moved his menacing bulk closer to the table.他把自己骇人的庞大身躯向桌子挪近了些。He gagged at the exorbitant price.面对贵得骇人的价格,他犹豫起来。




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