例句 |
The branch was too weak to support his weight.那根树枝不牢,撑不住他的重量。I can be very patient, and then I can burst if my nerves are worn out.我很有耐心,可如果我的承受力到了极限,我就撑不住了。The bridge didn't look as though it would hold.那座桥似乎要撑不住了。They talked till dawn, at which time they finally conked out.他们一直谈到天亮,终于撑不住了。I was, in short, a bit of a wreck.总之,我有点撑不住了。He leant against her so heavily that she could barely sustain his weight.他重重地靠在她身上,她快撑不住了。 |