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词汇 撇开
例句 Perhaps the opposed parties will lay aside their sectional interests and rise to this challenge.也许各反对党会撇开派系利益,迎接这一挑战。Many movies require the viewer to engage in a willing suspension of disbelief.许多电影要求观众自觉自愿将不信任暂时撇开The article was an attempt to stage Hamlet without the Dane.那篇文章试图撇开事情的本质。That argument apart, it is for the Germans themselves to work out how their forces should come together.撇开那场纷争不谈,德国人自己也应该考虑一下如何将各种力量拧成一股绳。The crowds are enough of a problem as it is without having to worry about parking as well!撇开不得不担心的停车问题,拥挤的人群就足以成为一个大问题了。Emotional arguments aside, here are the facts about abortion.撇开感性的争论,这是一些关于堕胎的事实。A few blemishes apart, the novel is excellent.撇开少数瑕疵不谈,这是一部优秀的小说。Leaving aside the tiny minority who are clinically depressed, most people who have bad moods also have very good moods.撇开极少数临床抑郁症患者不谈,大多数情绪低落的人也有心情非常愉快的时候。You're right to mention her home circumstances, but that aside, how is her school work?你提到她的家庭情况没错,但撇开那个不说,她的功课怎么样?A soldier must be able to compartmentalize his emotions to focus on the mission.军人必须能够撇开私人感情,专注于自己的使命。I put my misgivings aside and got down to the reason I was there.撇开自己的担忧,开始认真思考我去那里的缘由。Emotional arguments aside, here are the facts.撇开那些情绪化的争论不谈,下面只说客观事实。I don't like early mornings anyway, quite apart from the fact that I hardly slept last night.撇开我昨晚没怎么睡不谈,我压根儿就不喜欢清晨。Let's put our differences aside and make a fresh start.让我们撇开分歧,重新开始。She turned her feet out and bent down.她把脚朝外撇开并弯下腰。Can you shake your friend? I want to talk to you alone.你能撇开一会儿你的朋友吗? 我要和你单独谈谈。




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