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Before Tom could reach the boat, Jack had shoved off.汤姆还没上船,杰克已经把船撑开走了。His new trousers ripped when he bent down.他弯腰时把新裤子撑开了线。The chair legs spread under his weight.椅腿在他身体重量的压迫下向外撑开。She uses an embroidery hoop to stretch the fabric taut.她用绣圈将织物撑开。The rain started and umbrellas opened all over the square.下雨了,广场上到处都是撑开的雨伞。In those days, skirts were made to stand away from the body.那时候裙子做得撑开来不贴住身体。I was soaked before I could put my umbrella up.我把伞撑开之前已经被淋透了。Striped awnings had been stretched across the courtyard.条纹雨篷被撑开架在院子上方。She popped the umbrella open.她一下撑开了雨伞。My suitcase is packed so tight it might fall apart.我的手提箱装得太满了,可能会撑开。Tom took a step back and held the door open.汤姆后退一步,把门撑开着。 |