例句 |
I skimmed the fat from the broth. = I skimmed the broth to remove the fat.我撇去了肉汤上面的油。Boil the chicken and use a spoon to remove any scum that floats to the surface.把鸡煮一下,用汤匙撇去上面的浮沫。I skimmed the foam from the boiling syrup.我撇去了煮沸糖浆上的泡沫。Bring to the boil, removing scum as it rises.煮沸后撇去漂起的浮沫。Bring to the boil, skimming off any froth that rises to the surface.烧开后撇去浮到上面的渣子。Brown the mince in a frying pan, strain off the excess fat and add the chopped onions.把肉末在煎锅中煎至褐色,撇去多余的脂肪,然后放入剁碎的洋葱。She skimmed the soup to remove most of the fat.她撇去了汤上的大部分浮油。After simmering the meat, skim the fat from the surface.把肉用文火炖过后,撇去表面的油脂。She scraped the foam off her coffee.她撇去咖啡上的泡沫。 |