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词汇 驱赶
例句 The men were chased off by troops, who fired warning shots.军队鸣枪警告,把这些人驱赶走了。He broke off a twig from a willow tree and used it to shoo the flies away.他折下了一根柳树枝来驱赶苍蝇。A kestrel is regularly sent in to chase away pigeons.会定期放进来一只红隼驱赶鸽子。The police arrived on the scene and began moving the protesters on.警察赶到现场后开始驱赶抗议者。They got a cat to drive out the mice.他们找到一只猫来驱赶老鼠。They were driven into a dark dungeon.他们被人驱赶进入一个黑暗的地牢。The police charged the rioters with batons raised.警察举起警棍驱赶闹事暴徒。He waved irritably at a fly buzzing around him.他烦躁地挥手驱赶绕着他嗡嗡叫的苍蝇。The shepherd was trotting their flocks through the street.牧羊人驱赶羊群小跑着过街。Under the banner of education, we herd our children from ballet to basketball and back again.我们打着教育的旗号,驱赶孩子在芭蕾舞和篮球之间来回奔波。They used fire hoses to turn the mob.他们用救火水龙来驱赶闹事人群。Horses try to keep flies off by swishing their tails from side to side.马儿刷刷地左右甩着尾巴驱赶苍蝇。The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies.那些牛甩动着尾巴驱赶苍蝇。We were driven back by a salvo of cannon fire.一通火炮齐射把我们驱赶了回来。The cavalry scattered them and chased them off the field.骑兵四处驱赶着他们,把他们逐出了战场。A persistent idea has been buzzing around in my conk.一个驱赶不走的想法一直在我的头脑里萦回着。Local folklore has it that prehistoric men drove cattle over these cliffs.当地民间传说中称史前人类把野牛从这些悬崖上驱赶下去。Horses flick their tails to make flies go away.这些马轻甩尾巴驱赶苍蝇。




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