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词汇 飞往
例句 He flew a small plane to Cuba.他驾驶一架小型飞机飞往古巴。All flights to Lanchow had been cancelled until further notice.所有飞往兰州的航班都已取消,何时恢复另行通知。The company paid for the minister to fly out to Australia on a freebie.公司出资供该大臣免费飞往澳大利亚。I jumped on a plane to the south of Spain last week.我上周登上了飞往西班牙南部的飞机。Our flight to Italy laid over in Madrid for several hours.我们飞往意大利的航班在马德里停留了几个小时。When she heard the news she immediately jumped on a plane to France.一听到这个消息,她立刻搭乘飞机飞往法国。Ellen flew to Chicago by way of Minneapolis.艾伦经由明尼阿波利斯飞往芝加哥。The birds are traveling south for the winter.鸟儿正飞往南方越冬。The airline has introduced a cheap fare to New York.这家航空公司推出飞往纽约的一种廉价机票。He got to the airport just in time to catch the flight to Madrid.他正好及时赶到机场搭乘飞往马德里的航班。Our flight to New York connects in Chicago.我们在芝加哥转机飞往纽约。A Korean airliner was hijacked by two passengers and forced to fly to Tashkent.一架韩国的大型客机被两名乘客劫持,被迫飞往塔什干。She flew to Los Angeles via Chicago.她经芝加哥飞往洛杉矶。The band are flying out to Ibiza tonight for a huge four-day celebrity bash.该乐队准备今晚飞往伊维萨岛参加为期四天的大型庆祝狂欢活动。He flew to New York via Hong Kong.他经过香港飞往纽约。He was on a plane bound for Chicago.他当时在飞往芝加哥的航班上。I always get jet-lag when I fly from London to New York.我从伦敦飞往纽约后总感到时差调整不过来。He could have died after developing deep vein thrombosis during a flight to Sydney.他在一次飞往悉尼的航行中得了深静脉血栓,险些丧命。All flights to Tokyo were delayed because of bad weather.由于天气恶劣,所有飞往东京的航班都延误了。The cousins rendezvoused in New York before they flew to London.这对表兄弟在纽约会合后飞往伦敦。He hurried away from the conference to fly to Yokohama.他匆匆离会飞往横滨。Cloudy skies grounded planes to Washington.天空多云使飞往华盛顿的航班停飞。He won himself two first-class tickets to fly to Dublin.他为自己赢得了两张飞往都柏林的头等舱机票。After a four-hour wait at the airport, we finally got on a flight to New York.在机场等了四小时后,我们终于登上了飞往纽约的班机。She booked/reserved a seat on the next flight to Rome.她预订了下一班飞往罗马的航班机票。I wonder if you could help me - I'd like some information about flights to New Zealand.不知你能否帮我个忙——我想知道些飞往新西兰的相关航班信息。RAF medical crews are on standby to fly out to the war zone.英国皇家空军的医疗队在待命飞往战区。We'd like some information about flights to Chicago, please.我们想要一些飞往芝加哥航班的资料,谢谢。The company offers flights to Amsterdam with onward travel to The Hague.这家公司提供飞往阿姆斯特丹并接续飞往海牙的航班。He and his wife, Val, will be jetting off on a two-week holiday in America.他和妻子瓦尔将乘喷气式飞机飞往美国度假两周。The journey includes a two-day stopover in Miami before flying on to Mexico.旅程包括在迈阿密逗留两天,然后再飞往墨西哥。We leave from Boston and then connect in New York with a flight bound for China.我们从波士顿出发,然后在纽约换乘飞往中国的航班。The birds fly/go south in the winter.鸟儿冬季飞往南方。One of the secretaries had been instructed to reserve me a seat on the next plane to London.其中一位秘书已经接到指示,给我在下一班飞往伦敦的飞机上预订座位。They boarded their flight to Paris without hindrance.他们顺利地登上了飞往巴黎的航班。The Red Cross flew to the area of the floods, ready to dole out supplies of food and medicine.红十字会飞往洪涝地区,准备发放食物与药品。Lewis stopped off in Jamaica before flying on to Toronto.刘易斯在牙买加稍作停留,然后继续飞往多伦多。When's the next flight to Miami?飞往迈阿密的下一个航班是几点?I boarded the plane bound for England.我登上了飞往英格兰的飞机。A Chicago-Boston flight was rerouted to Washington because of the blizzard.一次芝加哥至波士顿的航班因暴风雪改道飞往华盛顿。




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