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词汇 gloves
例句 He put on his gloves and began to repair the truck.他戴上手套,开始修理卡车。Workers were provided with gloves for protection.工人们领到了防护手套。Her mother was scrunching her white cotton gloves into a ball.她母亲正把她的白色棉手套揉成一团。He wore foppish hats, canary-yellow gloves, and patent-leather shoes.他戴着那种纨绔子弟才戴的帽子和鲜黄色的手套,穿漆皮皮鞋。Don't treat those young criminals with kid gloves.不要对那些年轻的犯罪分子心慈手软。Mary cries if the teacher does not handle her with kid gloves.如果教师不耐心和气地对待玛丽,她就会哭。He removed his hat and gloves.他摘下了帽子和手套。Fingerless gloves kind of defeated the purpose of wearing gloves at all.戴无指手套根本不顶事。You can borrow my gloves, but please try not to dirty them.你可以借我的手套,不过请尽量不要把它们弄脏。At this hospital we use up bandages, disposable gloves, and other consumables very quickly.在这家医院,我们用完绷带、一次性手套及其他消耗品的速度快得惊人。I think he had the balance of authority, discipline, and kid gloves just about right.我认为他在平衡权威、纪律以及圆通方面做得恰到好处。These gloves will keep your hands warm.这副手套会让你的手暖和起来。School reform is a sensitive issue, and many politicians treat it with kid gloves.学校改革是一个敏感的问题,许多从政者对此都非常谨慎。She peeled off her gloves.她摘下手套。It's the end of the campaign, and the gloves are off.这是竞选活动的冲刺阶段,双方剑拔弩张。He drew on his gloves before he went out.他外出前戴上手套。Her gloves were lined with fur.她的手套是毛皮内衬。Her gloves are lined with fur.她的手套镶着毛边。His arms look like they might snap under the weight of his gloves.他的胳膊看起来好像不堪手套重负要折断了一样。He stuck his gloves in his pocket.他把手套塞进口袋里。She was very proper, my grandmother - she'd never go out without wearing her hat and gloves.我祖母非常讲究仪表——出门时总要戴上帽子和手套。He wore gloves to prevent frostbite.他戴上手套以防生冻疮。He was wearing rubber gloves and safety goggles.他戴着橡皮手套和安全护目镜。She wore a surgical mask and rubber gloves while she worked with the samples.她处理样品的时候戴着手术口罩和橡胶手套。Emily pulled on her gloves as she walked.埃米莉边走边迅速戴上手套。The gloves were made of very supple leather.这副手套是用非常柔软的皮革做成的。These gloves are his.这副手套是他的。Some artists have to be handled with kid gloves and Jake thinks Lotte is one of them.有些艺术家得小心谨慎地对待,杰克认为洛特便是其中之一。He had forgotten to wear his gloves.他忘了戴手套。Her gloves were neatly paired in a drawer.她的手套一副副整齐地放在抽屉里。The gloves were made of kid.这手套是用小山羊革制成的。She was wearing a warm coat and heavily padded gloves.她穿着一件暖和的外套,戴着厚厚的手套。I want you to treat Hayley with kid gloves today. She's still upset about her father.我希望你今天对海利的态度谨慎些,她还在为她父亲感到心烦。Wear thermal underwear, hat, and gloves while skiing.滑雪时要穿好保暖内衣,戴好帽子和手套。Wear rubber gloves while chopping chillies as they can irritate the skin.切辣椒时要戴橡胶手套,因为辣椒会刺激皮肤。Her mother was sitting bolt upright, scrunching her white cotton gloves into a ball.她母亲坐得笔直,把她的白手套揉成了球状。They peeled cold stiffened gloves from their hands.他们将冻得硬邦邦的手套从手上脱下来。They had followed standard medical protocols, using rubber gloves, surgical masks and sterilized equipment.他们遵照标准的医疗规程,使用乳胶手套、外科口罩和消毒设备。Be sure to wear gloves when smoothing mirror edges.磨平镜子边缘时一定要戴手套。The gloves come in a choice of colours.该手套有各种颜色可供选择。




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