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词汇 glossy
例句 When hair is dry, rub in a little oil to make it smooth and glossy.等头发干了以后,搽上一点油,使其顺滑而有光泽。Her image has graced the covers of many glossy magazines.她的形象登上过许多有光纸印刷的通俗杂志的封面。People like nice glossy magazines.人们喜欢漂亮的光面杂志。The hotel is regularly the location for glossy magazine shoots.这家酒店经常是时尚杂志拍照的地点。People have got used to nice glossy magazines.人们已经习惯了用精美的亮光纸印刷的杂志了。The glossy, colourful cover was totally at odds with its dull academic content.这光泽艳丽的封面与枯燥的学术内容完全不相称。She stroked the horse's long glossy neck.她抚摸着那匹马光滑发亮的长脖子。Many felt that the money spent amounted to overkill, and that a cheaper, less glossy advertising campaign would have been just as effective.许多人觉得这么高的花费太过分了,花钱少一点的、不那么浮华的广告宣传会同样有效。All these glossy pamphlets are just window dressing – the fact is that the new mall will ruin the neighborhood.所有这些精美光亮的小册子只是表面文章 — 事实是新商场将破坏附近的环境。The furniture on it is glossy vermilion.上面的家具色彩鲜红,富有光泽。The ship would lie there mirrored in a perfectly unmoving glossy sea.船会停靠在那里,映衬在一片波澜不兴的湛蓝海水之中。Christina's hair was tied back in a thick, glossy plait.克里斯蒂娜脑后扎了一个光滑的粗辫子。The leaves were dark and glossy.树叶颜色深暗,颇有光泽。There was a stack of glossy magazines on the coffee table.咖啡桌上有一叠用有光纸印刷的杂志。She has wonderfully glossy hair.她有一头顺滑的秀发。She had glossy black hair.她长著乌黑发亮的头发。Rub in a little oil to make your hair smooth and glossy.搽上一点油,让你的头发顺滑而有光泽。Very dark glossy lips look wrong with heavily made-up eyes.涂有深色唇彩的嘴唇看上去和浓艳的眼妆不相称。The stems are dark green and glossy, not unlike a young bamboo cane.这些茎是深绿色的,非常光滑,和小竹条有些相似。She sat in the waiting room, casually paging through glossy magazines.她坐在候诊室里,随意翻阅着时尚杂志。All the glossy magazines carried pictures of the Royal Wedding.所有时尚杂志都刊登了王室婚礼的照片。British TV commercials are glossy and sophisticated.英国的电视广告光艳浮华,矫揉造作。The place was painted in a cool glossy white.那地方被粉刷成了光洁的冷白色。Cosmopolitan, the original glossy for young women《大都会》,最早为年轻女性出版的时尚杂志This magazine is full of glossy advertisements for aftershave.这本杂志满是介绍须后水的广告,尽是些夸夸其谈的东西。The glossy, colourful cover was totally at odds with its dull academic content.色彩丰富的高光纸封面与其枯燥无味的学术性内容完全不相称。She is a voluptuous, well-rounded lady with glossy black hair.她是位头发乌黑亮丽、身材丰满性感的女士。He extracted several glossy prints and spread them out on a low coffee table.他掏出几张光面照片,将它们摆在一张矮茶几上。This mousse says it's designed to eliminate frizz and make hair glossy and easier to manage.这瓶摩丝的说明上写着能用来平复头发的卷曲,使头发有光泽、易于打理。Her hair was thick, glossy and in tip-top condition.她的头发浓密亮泽,发质好得没话说。




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