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词汇 glowing
例句 Her previous boss gave her a glowing recommendation.她的前任老板给她写了封充满赞美之词的推荐信。When we got back from our walk in the snow, my whole body was glowing.我们在雪中散步回来,我全身上下都热乎乎的。I had read glowing reports of his work.我读过对他的作品大加褒奖的报道。The fireplace was still glowing with the remains of last night's fire.壁炉里,昨晚的余烬未灭,依然在微微发光。All his teachers speak of him in glowing terms.他的老师们说起他全都赞不绝口。The media has been speaking in glowing terms of the relationship between the two countries.媒体一直在盛赞两国之间的关系。My boss wrote me a glowing letter of recommendation.我的老板给我写了一封赞许有加的推荐信。She received a glowing account of her son's progress.她收到了一份热情赞扬她儿子进步的报告。The western sky was glowing pink.西边的天空发出粉红色的光。The chairman spoke of the achievements of the company in glowing terms.董事长对公司取得的成就大加赞誉。He spoke to me about her in glowing terms.他热情洋溢地对我谈起了她。They spoke about their trip in glowing terms. 他们热情洋溢地谈起那次旅行。Her face was glowing with happiness.她因为心情愉快而容光焕发。Lava poured out of the volcano, glowing like the fires of hell.熔岩从火山中喷出,发出灼热的光,像地狱之火一般。The coal in the fireplace was still glowing.壁炉里的煤仍在发着暗淡的光。The premieres of his plays brought in glowing reviews.他的戏剧首次公演后都受到了热烈的好评。It created a glowing centre of warmth that quickly diffused through my limbs.它形成了一个温暖的热源,热量迅速扩散至我的四肢。Their skin was tanned and glowing from their weeks at the sea.他们在海边呆了几个星期,皮肤晒得黝黑发亮。Once the charcoal is glowing, place the food on the grill.木炭烧得发红后,将食物放到烧烤架上。Her glowing review of his performance reads like a mash note from a lovesick fan.她为他的演出而写的评论热情洋溢,读起来就像是一个害相思病的粉丝写的一封示爱信。We toasted bread over the glowing coals.我们在红彤彤的煤块上烤面包。A sheer rose blush enhanced her natural glowing cheeks.薄薄一层玫瑰色腮红让她的脸色更自然红润。He spoke about them in glowing terms.他热烈地赞扬了他们。The children were glowing with pleasure/excitement.孩子们非常快乐/兴奋。Heat radiated from the glowing coals.燃烧的煤块散发出热量。He received a glowing testimonial from his former employer.他得到了前雇主热情洋溢的推荐信。Stephen always talks in glowing terms of your work.斯蒂芬一直高度赞扬你的工作。He relied on translucent enamels to produce vivid, glowing pictures.他利用半透明瓷漆绘制出鲜艳生动的图画。He speaks of you in glowing terms.他说到你就赞不绝口。The book has received glowing reviews.这本书获得了非常好的评价。Despite glowing reviews about the company's core businesses, its shares have fallen.尽管该公司的核心业务大受赞赏,但是它的股票下跌了。The red tip of his cigarette was glowing in the dark.他的香烟在黑暗中发出红光。Their new musical opened to glowing reviews.他们的新音乐剧受到热烈好评。Here and there a still-smouldering ember was glowing red-hot.四下还有些未尽的余火烧得通红。The young soldiers who returned home gave glowing accounts of Paul's bravery and devotion to duty.返回家里的年轻士兵都热烈赞扬了保罗的勇敢及忠于职守。The windows were glowing with a warm, yellow light.窗户里映着融融的黄色灯光。Her face was glowing with embarrassment.她因尴尬而红了脸。He paid glowing tribute to his boss.他热情洋溢地赞美了自己的老板。He pictured her heroism in glowing language.他热情洋溢地描述她的英雄事迹。She described in the most glowing terms how warm her welcome had been.她绘声绘色地描述了她热烈的欢迎。




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