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词汇 顾问
例句 He is one of the advisers to the President.他是总统的顾问之一。He was their adviser, confidant and father confessor.他是他们的顾问、密友和倾听者。Many companies have latched onto the trend of using consultants.许多公司都开始赶潮流聘请顾问He was employed in a purely advisory role.他纯粹以顾问身份受聘。Confidentiality is implicit in your relationship with a counselor.在你与顾问的关系中,为你保守秘密是不言而喻的。His role is purely advisory.他的角色纯粹是顾问性的。Rollins will be working in an advisory capacity on this project.罗林斯将以顾问的身份参与这个项目。He was ticketed for a job as White House adviser.他被任命为白宫顾问The agricultural advisor will be on seat tomorrow.农业顾问明天会来办公室坐班。His advisers are rightfully hesitant to let the United States be sucked into the conflict.他的顾问们都理所当然地有所犹豫,不愿让美国卷入冲突之中。The President was assisted by his advisers.总统得到几个顾问的协助。He is being ill served by his advisers.他的顾问对他服务态度恶劣。She had a hurried meeting with her advisers before speaking to the press.在对媒体发言之前,她与其顾问匆匆见了个面。She has served in an advisory capacity for a number of groups.她以顾问的身份为许多组织工作过。An adviser said there was no reason why the two countries should remain at odds.一位顾问说这两个国家不会一直这样争执下去。The marriage counsellor could only offer us a string of empty platitudes.婚姻指导顾问只能给我们说一连串空洞的套话。Talking to a counsellor / counselor helped her enormously.顾问的交谈使她受益匪浅。He cut the deadwood from his staff of advisers.他裁减了无用的顾问Weinberger was an advisor to former president Ronald Reagan.温伯格是前总统罗纳德·里根的顾问She maintains a private practice as a mental health consultant.她作为一名精神健康顾问经营着一家私人事务所。The governor's advisors believe the election is in the bag.州长的顾问认为这次选举已经胜券在握。Both advisers favour continuance of the war.这两位顾问都认为战争会持续下去。The consultant who suggested using spamming to raise the company's profile has been fired.建议用群发邮件的方法来提升公司形象的那个顾问已经被解雇了。He served his apprenticeship in the kitchen before becoming a consultant chef.他成为厨务顾问之前,在厨房做过一段时间学徒。If your marriage or relationship is in disrepair, enlist the help of a marriage guidance counsellor.如果你们的婚姻或关系出现裂痕,就向婚姻指导顾问求助。He was consultant rheumatologist at the Royal Hampshire Hospital.他是皇家汉普郡医院的风湿病学顾问There are two consultants to the governor on environmental protection.州长有两个环保问题顾问Talk to an independent financial adviser before you invest your money.把你的钱作投资之前,先找一位独立的理财顾问谈谈。The company hired an outside consultant.公司外聘了一位顾问My advisers counselled me to do nothing.我的顾问劝告我什么都别做。After college, her professor became her close friend and mentor.大学毕业后,她的教授成了她的密友和顾问He has surrounded himself with a raft of advisers who are very radical.他周围聚集了一大群偏激的顾问She has carved a niche for herself as a consultant on music therapy.她当上了音乐疗法顾问,给自己开创出一片天地。His work as a consultant consisted in advising foreign companies on the siting of new factories.作为一名顾问,他的工作是为外国公司在新厂选址问题上提供建议。Mrs Clinton was huddled with advisers at her headquarters.克林顿夫人和顾问聚在总部秘谈。Perry stayed on with the Agency as an unpaid adviser.佩里作为不计酬的顾问继续留在事务所里工作。We work closely with the careers officers in schools.我们与学校的就业顾问密切合作。If you are housebound, you can arrange for a home visit from a specialist adviser.如果你不方便出门,可以安排一次专家顾问来上门看诊。He has surrounded himself with a raft of advisers.他周围聚集了一大群顾问Two of the president's chief advisers have staked out opposite positions on this issue.总统的两位主要顾问在这一问题上表明了相反的立场。




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